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10 Behind-the-Scenes Facts About Clint Eastwood’s ‘Escape From Alcatraz’
Clint Eastwood in ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ (1979) Paramount Pictures

In 1962, three of the United States’ most dangerous criminals escaped from the highest security prison in the country, never to be recaptured. This incredible event inspired the 1979 film “Escape from Alcatraz” starring Clint Eastwood. The movie focuses on the real-life escape of inmates Frank Morris (Eastwood), John Anglin (Fred Ward), and Clarence Anglin (Jack Thibeau), illustrating their meticulous and gruesome breakout plan. The film was highly successful, grossing $43 million against an $8 million budget.

Clint Eastwood’s portrayal of Frank Morris brought this escape story to life. Interestingly, Eastwood was 48 years old when he played Morris, who was 35 at the time of the escape. However, this age difference did not seem to bother the audience.
Clint Eastwood in Escape From Alcatraz (1979) Paramount Pictures

One memorable scene features Morris stumbling around disoriented after being released from solitary confinement. This behavior was based on real accounts of prisoners who acted similarly after isolation. The film “Escape From Alcatraz” was released on June 22, 1979, more than 15 years after the actual escape on June 11, 1962, and 14 years after the prison’s closure in 1963. Today, Alcatraz remains a popular tourist destination, with tours ongoing during the filming of the movie.

These tours caused the production to mainly take place at night to avoid disruptions. Many visitors still ask which cell belonged to Clint Eastwood’s character. For the film, it was cell N.109 on Broadway, even though Morris’ real cell was N.138.
Clint Eastwood in ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ (1979) Paramount Pictures

Filming on Alcatraz Island was challenging due to the often bleak weather of San Francisco. The nights were especially dark, rainy, and freezing, making the conditions brutal for cast and crew. To minimize disruption to the historical site, the crew brought minimal equipment, adding to the discomfort and difficulty.

Prior to “Escape From Alcatraz,” Clint Eastwood had already filmed on the island for his third Dirty Harry movie, “The Enforcer” (1976), where his character fought a terrorist group. Another interesting character in “Escape From Alcatraz” is Chester ‘Doc’ Dalton, played by Roberts Blossom. Doc cutting off his fingers was based on the real actions of another inmate, Rufe Persful, who did so to protest prison rules.
Clint Eastwood and Paul Benjamin in ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ (1979) Paramount Pictures

In keeping with the movie’s gritty realism, no stunt doubles were used in the escape scene where the prisoners climb down the walls and enter the water. Eastwood, Ward, and Thibeau performed these stunts themselves, highlighting their athletic capabilities, which played a part in their casting.

The film suggests that other inmates were unaware of the escape plan, but post-prison interviews revealed otherwise. Many prisoners knew about the plan and even supplied materials to help their fellow inmates. Despite the gritty realism and detailed planning depicted in the movie, Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin were never found. Whether they drowned or successfully escaped remains one of the greatest mysteries. They are still on the U.S. Marshals Service’s Most Wanted list.
Clint Eastwood, Fred Ward and Jack Thibeau in ‘Escape From Alcatraz’ (1979) Paramount Pictures

The true story of their disappearance adds an enigmatic layer to the film, making “Escape from Alcatraz” not just an entertaining movie but a depiction of a historical mystery that continues to captivate audiences.

Source:, Paramount Pictures