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10 TV Shows That Were Predicted to Succeed but Got Canceled

The landscape of television is shaped by its failures just as much as its successes, with networks and creators learning through trial and error what kinds of programs last multiple seasons and which ones don’t make the cut. For every “Mad Men,” “Seinfeld,” or “The Sopranos,” there are countless sitcoms, dramas, superhero shows, and anthology series that vanish shortly after debuting.

Most people tend to watch popular shows, the ones that dominate viewership ratings week after week or accumulate significant streaming minutes. These are the shows that generate enough advertising and subscription revenue to justify their production and marketing costs. It’s intriguing to observe a TV show’s success and ponder questions such as: What made “Lost” stand out from other sci-fi soap operas? Why did “Supernatural” thrive while “Shadowhunters” didn’t? What caused “Glee” to captivate audiences whereas “Galavant” barely made a mark?

However, it’s even more compelling to explore why certain TV shows fail. The most striking failures often involve programs that were heavily hyped but ultimately failed to attract viewers. This particular list highlights ten shows from the past three decades that were projected to be major hits but crashed and burned before completing their first seasons. These shows span both network TV and streaming platforms, reflecting an era of continuous upheaval in an industry always on the lookout for the next big thing. Sadly for these shows, none of them lived up to the hype.

READ MORE: 10 TV Shows That Changed Premises Between Seasons

Source: Townsquare Media