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11 Male Celebs Who’ve Admitted to Hair Transplants


“Three surgeries later, look at my hair! The technology is bananas now.”

It’s not often that celebrities open up about undergoing plastic surgery, particularly male stars in Hollywood. In reality, many men, including famous ones, are opting for cosmetic procedures such as facelifts and hair transplants.

Some of these male entertainers have chosen to speak openly about their decision to alter their hairlines and the significant impact it has had on their self-esteem. By sharing their hair transplant journeys, they hope to encourage other men to make changes that will boost their confidence.

Read on to discover which actors have opened up about their hair procedures…

Joel McHale

Joel McHale has candidly shared that he’s undergone hair transplants on three occasions. He revealed that he started losing hair as a teenager and would probably have been completely bald by now if it weren’t for the procedures.

“I’d be totally bald. We’re not all born with gorgeous thick hair like you,” Joel said while speaking with Justin Long on his Life Is Short podcast. “Three surgeries later, look at my hair! The technology is bananas now.”

Landon Donovan

Fox Sports commentator Landon Donovan recently disclosed he had a hair transplant after going viral for an unusual hairstyle that exposed patches of his scalp. Friends began texting him about his patchy haircut, to which he explained he had gotten a hair transplant but was assured the awkward ’do wouldn’t show up on camera.

His former LA Galaxy teammate Mike Magee shared their text exchange on social media, to which Landon replied with an old photo, writing, “Just trying to get back to my glory days.”

A.J. McLean

In 2013, Backstreet Boy A.J. McLean shared that he had undergone a hair transplant and didn’t mind who knew. He posted before-and-after photos on Instagram, showcasing the significant growth his hair had experienced since the procedure.

“Some girls get their boobs done; some guys get ab implants all to make them happy! This was the one thing I did, and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you, Dr. G!!!!” A.J. wrote in a now-deleted post.

Joey Fatone

Joey Fatone, another boy band member, also shared that he got hair plugs after noticing his thinning hair. Initially, he used a spray to fill in his hair but grew tired of the constant application before public appearances and decided to go the surgical route.

“It’s crazy how many guys get work done,” Joey told People. “They don’t broadcast it because a lot of men are very shy or embarrassed about it, but there’s nothing to be embarrassed about! I’m not trying to change my look, just edit it a bit!”

Bobby Berk

In 2019, former Queer Eye star Bobby Berk took part in the 10-year challenge, showing off his current appearance versus a decade ago. Fans noticed his hair was much fuller in the recent photo. When asked how this was possible, Bobby revealed he had a hair transplant and also used Finasteride, Biotin, Rogaine, and PRP treatments.


In the midst of drama between Nicki Minaj and her ex Safaree Samuels, Nicki revealed that her former boyfriend had a hair transplant and went to the same specialist as Tyga. While Tyga hadn’t previously spoken about the procedure, he confirmed Nicki’s claim by posting a screenshot of his doctor’s website, calling him “the plug” and adding, “Tellem Tyga sent u.”

Cheyenne Jackson

Cheyenne Jackson revealed in 2020 that over the past 14 years, he had undergone five hair transplants. He started losing his hair at 22 and by 28 had his first procedure. Despite it being “painful and expensive,” it positively changed his self-image. He kept it a secret for over a decade due to “shame and anxiety” about it becoming public.

“I’ve been dreading this day for 17 years,” Cheyenne wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post. “The day my horrible secret would be revealed. No, this gnarly scar isn’t from life-saving brain surgery or a shark attack. It’s from hair transplant surgery. Five of them over 14 years.”

He continued, “As my hair kept thinning, I kept secretly getting more procedures & would just pray no one would find out. Why did I care so much? As a vain actor in an industry that rewards beauty, I vowed to keep this secret forever. I feel so stupid saying that, but it’s my truth.”

Elton John

In Elton John’s memoir, he admitted that after he began losing hair, he underwent a failed hair transplant in the 1970s. When it didn’t work, he tried a weave, but one critic wrote it looked like a “dead squirrel on [his] head.” Eventually, he decided to wear wigs.

“It’s the strangest thing. People were obsessed with my hair or lack of it for years. Then I started wearing a wig and virtually no one’s mentioned it since,” Elton wrote in his book.

Jimmy Carr

Jimmy Carr got a hair transplant after growing tired of his receding hairline. The British comedian discussed the process during a television appearance, joking about hoping the procedure would stop him from looking like a “snooker-playing vampire.”

“My hair was socially distancing from my forehead, and I’d had enough of it,” Jimmy shared on Peter Crouch: Save Our Summer. “I shaved my head, and they transfer hairs from the back to the front. It was a bit of redistribution.”

Marc Jacobs

Designer Marc Jacobs has been open about his various appearance-enhancing procedures, including a hair transplant. He noted that people were amazed when he admitted to the procedure.

“There have been so many things I’ve been transparent about. Once, when asked why I wore a baseball cap to an event, I said, ‘Well, I just had a hair transplant.’ People were amused and amazed that I answered,” he told Vogue.

Boy George

In Boy George’s 2024 memoir, he confessed about undergoing three hair transplants between 2015 and 2018. “It’s time to confess I had three hair transplants,” he wrote. “The weird thing is no one remembers I was bald as a shaved badger.”

Source: People, Vogue, various social media posts