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13 TV Shows Revived After Cancellation

The landscape of television is always changing, with new shows appearing weekly to replace those that are ending. Shows get greenlit and canceled based on audience reception. A significant amount of planning, time, and money go into creating a TV show. If the audience isn’t there, or if the stars or creators aren’t interested in continuing, the show usually doesn’t last long. Even successful series have expiration dates.

But sometimes, that expiration date gets extended. Many TV shows were cut short for various reasons, only to be picked up later. This could happen directly after the original network cancels the show or even decades later, once it’s clear there’s a new audience interested in the cult classic.

These shows often become the most beloved. Nothing riles up an audience more than an untimely cancellation, making them crave more of what they can’t have. Sometimes, they get it. A show that appears doomed might be rescued last minute or revived later when the original cast and crew are available.

Occasionally, these rescues go well, leading to several more seasons. But just as often, they don’t. In some cases, it quickly becomes apparent that the end should have remained the end. It’s always intriguing to see what it takes to breathe new life into a TV show, even if only for a season or two.

Source: Townsquare Media, Newsbreak