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14 Child Actors Who Starred in One Movie and Then Quit Acting

Joey Gaydos Jr. joined the cast of “School of Rock” with several years of guitar experience under his belt, having grown up around the instrument. His dad was a guitarist who was well known on the Detroit rock scene. “My father played with the who’s who of Detroit rock royalty throughout the years,” Gaydos told M Live. “I remember a home video of myself [leaning] against the baby gate downstairs, listening to my dad play and just bobbing my head, getting into the music. I always loved it.”

He was gifted his own guitar at age nine and was starring in “School of Rock” three years later, but landing the role of Zack “Zack-Attack” Mooneyham wasn’t easy. According to Gaydos, it was a lengthy process. “I remember when I finally got the call after my third Los Angeles callback for the movie, when I met Jack Black, that we got a call from the casting agency saying, ‘Alright, pack your bags, you’re going to New York for five months.’ Obviously, I was overjoyed,” he recalled.

Gaydos received multiple offers for movie roles after “School of Rock” but he turned them down to pursue music. He taught guitar at Ann Arbor Music Center and he’s played in several bands over the years, even touring with Uncle Kracker at one stage.

Unfortunately, Gaydos has faced legal troubles along the way. He has been involved in incidents including DUI and shoplifting — he was notably arrested in 2019 for stealing guitars.

Source: M Live