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25 Best One-Season Shows: Top-Ranked Series That Were Cancelled Too Soon

One of the most frustrating aspects of becoming invested in a TV show is when networks cancel it prematurely. Many shows don’t make it past their first season, struggling to establish a dedicated fanbase. Most of these canceled series fade into obscurity, but a few live on as cult classics or remain in the memory of fans still bitter over their early demise.

There are several reasons why a network cancels a show, but the primary factor is ratings. In the era when Neilsen ratings dictated the fate of a series, the “Big Three” networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—were quick to axe shows that didn’t perform well. Unfortunately, some shows, like “The Tick,” didn’t receive the support they deserved from network executives, either due to lack of advertising or unfavorable time slots opposite established hits on competing networks. Cost of production is another significant factor, with executives quick to cut shows like “Tales of the Gold Monkey,” which had decent ratings but not enough to justify high production costs.

Over the past six decades, there have been 30 shows that didn’t make it past one season but are fondly remembered. Some of these shows even sparked campaigns to keep them on the air, with “Battlestar Galactica” being one of the first to inspire such efforts. Occasionally, a series ends because the people involved in production choose to end it, as when Claire Danes found it challenging to balance schoolwork and her role in “My So-Called Life.”

Despite failing to secure adequate viewership, many of these programs were beloved by critics and even received Emmy nominations. Some even won, such as Richard Kiley’s Best Actor win for “A Year in the Life” and “The Ben Stiller Show” for Best Variety Writing.

Many of these shows have since become cult classics, developing loyal followings. We all have at least one or two shows that were taken away from us too soon. Did yours make the list? Explore our photo gallery featuring titles such as “Freaks and Geeks,” “Firefly,” “Police Squad!” and more.

Source: Gold Derby