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3 Contestants from Survivor 46 Who’d Shine in Survivor 50

According to Entertainment Weekly, Jeff Probst confirmed in April that Survivor 50 will feature all returning players. While the theme is yet to be determined, three players from season 46 should be strong candidates for an all-star season.

The initial decision will center around whether season 50 will feature post-COVID players exclusively or include participants from the first 40 seasons. Mixing these two eras could present challenges due to significant changes in format, gameplay, and player attitudes.

If the focus is solely on post-COVID contestants, there’s a rich pool of talent to draw from, covering at least eight seasons. Although season 46 wasn’t marked by outstanding strategic play overall, it still showcased a few individuals who merit another shot.

3. Q Burdette

Q was undoubtedly a wild card during season 46. He concocted complex plans—some successful, others not. He had a knack for disrupting others’ strategies, either through erratic gameplay or unexpected tribal council revelations. Initially, he was hard to collaborate with, but he eventually formed a beneficial alliance with Maria. This partnership, however, ultimately faltered.

Q showed potential as someone capable of effective teamwork. If he learned to temper his chaotic tendencies and become a reliable alliance member, he could prove to be a formidable contestant. He also needs to guard against overconfidence, having left the game with an idol in his pocket.

Q has an opportunity for redemption. He’s intelligent and quick-witted, and many players liked him when he wasn’t sabotaging their plans. Even if he sticks to his unpredictable style, he’s entertaining enough to secure a spot.

2. Tevin Davis

Tevin’s gameplay in season 46 felt incomplete. Due to the Yanu tribe’s dominance, neither he nor his fellow tribe members had to devise intricate strategies pre-merge. In the current era, social gameplay is more crucial than ever, and Tevin possesses the skills for top-tier social manipulation. His strategic acumen likely surpasses what was displayed during his season.

However, Tevin must moderate the disdain he showed for players outside his alliance. His dismissal of Venus, for instance, was his downfall. His vocal contempt might have alienated other contestants.

Survivor 46 only scratched the surface of Tevin’s potential. Under different circumstances, he could emerge as a significant player.

1. Charlie Davis

Charlie probably has the most unfinished business from season 46. He played a stellar game but failed to win jury votes on a critical question, costing him the victory. Should Charlie return, he must adopt a different strategy. Controlling the game covertly won’t suffice; he will need to openly take credit for his moves, despite the increased target this will paint on his back.

Charlie was one of the few highly strategic players in season 46. He performed well in challenges and was generally well-liked. His main failure was convincing the jury he deserved to win. Another shot could see him clinching the title.

Other candidates: Soda Thompson and Tiffany Ervin

Two additional players from season 46 could also be considered. Soda Thompson demonstrated potential in her social game and strategic thinking but was prematurely eliminated due to a split tribal vote. It’s plausible she could have been a more significant force had she survived that vote.

Tiffany Ervin, from the beleaguered Yanu tribe, played a commendable game despite the chaos caused by Q. Kenzie Petty, who won the season, came from Yanu and was slightly more social than Tiffany, who played a more reserved game. Tiffany’s elimination with an idol in her pocket suggests she has unfinished business, making her a potential candidate for the all-star cast.

There’s a high likelihood that at least two contestants from season 46 will be part of the returning cast. The candidates will likely come from this list.

Source: Entertainment Weekly