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5 Dark Deadpool Moments That Might Be Too Intense for the MCU

Deadpool is no stranger to working alongside powerful heroes and entities, and the 2010 “Deadpool Team-Up” series showcases some of his most interesting collaborations, including crossovers with Iron Fist, The Watcher, and Thor. However, it’s Deadpool’s partnership with Galactus that stands out for both its humor and its dark undertones.

In “Deadpool Team-Up” #883, created by Skottie Young, Ramon Perez, Andres Mossa, and Jeff Eckleberry, Deadpool responds to a help-wanted ad that turns out to be from none other than Galactus, who is looking for a new herald. Initially skeptical about Deadpool’s ability to serve him and satisfy his immense hunger, Galactus nevertheless grants Wade the Power Cosmic, transforming him into his newest cosmic servant.

Embracing his new role with characteristic zeal, Deadpool eagerly sets out to locate planets for Galactus to consume. His enthusiasm in performing this grim task is both darkly funny and unsettling. On one occasion, he announces to a planet of Pikachu-like aliens that his boss will be eating them “posthaste,” showing a complete lack of empathy for the thousands of lives about to be obliterated.

Deadpool’s time as Galactus’ herald continues in this vein, with the mercenary happily aiding in the annihilation of various life forms and planets. His nonchalance in the face of such mass destruction eventually causes friction with Galactus himself, who grows tired of Deadpool’s incessant chatter. This big mouth soon costs Deadpool the job.

While the comic is primarily played for laughs, the underlying darkness of Deadpool’s actions can’t be ignored. Sending thousands of innocent creatures to their deaths, even in the name of cosmic balance, is a heavy burden. Silver Surfer, who served as Galactus’ herald before Deadpool, is famously tormented by guilt over his role, despite having little choice in the matter. In stark contrast, Deadpool seems entirely unfazed by the death and destruction he facilitates, watching Galactus feed with a twisted sense of satisfaction.

This blend of humor and horror is a hallmark of Deadpool’s character. He turns what would be tragic and morally complex scenarios into moments of dark comedy. However, this aspect of Deadpool isn’t just played for laughs; it also brings to light his unique worldview, one that often eschews traditional heroism for something far more chaotic and unpredictable.

In “Deadpool Team-Up” #883, the mercenary’s stint as a cosmic herald is short-lived but unforgettable, marking one of the most hilariously dark chapters in his storied career. Despite the gravity of his actions, Deadpool manages to remain a compelling and entertaining character, blurring the lines between hero and antihero in ways that few others can.

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