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5 Must-Visit Celebrity Landmarks in NYC

New York is known for its bright lights, but it is also home to some notable landmarks that pay homage to our favorite celebrities who have passed on.

Tarotoo took a poll, and now we know the perfect places that serve as ultimate pilgrimage sites for celebrity fanatics across America. The great part is that five of these top spots are right here in New York!

Coming in at number 35 is the Lucille Ball Desi Arnaz Museum in Jamestown. This place is perfect for fans of this legendary television duo. You’ll find everything from costumes and props to scripts and memorabilia from their sitcom, “I Love Lucy.” If you’re into classic TV, this museum is a must-visit.

Next up, at number 44, is the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site in New York City. It’s a replica of the former president’s childhood home where you can get a glimpse into his early life. You’ll find original artifacts and exhibits honoring Roosevelt’s legacy as a conservationist and reformer.

If you are a Beatles fan, don’t miss the 53rd spot: John Lennon, The Dakota. This building in New York City is where John lived and tragically met his end. Although you can’t go inside, it’s still a special place where fans can gather to pay their respects. And don’t forget to swing by Strawberry Fields in Central Park to see the famous “Imagine” mosaic.

Coming in at the 67th spot is Grant’s Tomb (General Grant National Memorial) in New York City. This mausoleum is the final resting place for Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th President of the United States. See the impressive architecture and check out exhibits about Grant’s life and military career.

A little closer to home is our number 77 landmark. It’s Mark Twain’s Summer Home (Quarry Farm) in Elmira. Though you can’t visit the actual home, you can stop by the Center for Mark Twain Studies at Elmira College. Here, you can learn about Twain’s creative process or visit the nearby Woodlawn Cemetery.

Source: Tarotoo