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“50 First Dates” Originally Had a Different, Amazing Ending!

It’s hard to believe it’s been 20 years since Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler teamed up for the romantic comedy 50 First Dates . We loved following their characters, Lucy and Henry, and their quirky romance.

For those who don’t know, Lucy had amnesia and couldn’t remember meeting Henry for longer than a day. We won’t give you too many spoilers, but it’s a sweet story with two lovable stars. Drew recently shared on her talk show, The Drew Barrymore Show , that we almost got a totally different movie.

Drew told co-host Ross Matthews that the original title of the movie was actually 50 First
Kisses . It was a drama set in Seattle instead of the picturesque Hawaiian Islands. Here’s a bit of a spoiler—the movie ended with Henry leaving Lucy in a restaurant after she told him they’d have no life together and him returning to say, “Hi. I’m Henry.”

Ross was thrilled with the movie’s final cut and not that ending, “Thank you for changing it,” he said.

Some fans had mixed thoughts on the “50 First Dates” alternate ending.

Some felt like it was the right way to go. “I would have rather had the original ending. Not romcom but more realistic.”

Another person agreed with Ross. I love that movie! Thank you for changing it!”

One fan liked the ending both ways. “Love the bitter-sweetness to this ending, which would have been the perfect ending for a drama. But since the film shifted to romantic-comedy later that ending would have been really heartbreaking and unsatisfying (though probably the most realistic outcome) so it makes sense why they would change it to the film’s ending that we saw.”

There’s just something about Drew and Adam that everyone loves, and it’s hard for the pair not to be a hit. 50 First Dates was released in 2024 and raked in $196 million at the box office.

This story’s featured image is by Kevin Winter/Getty Images .

Source: InspireMore, The Drew Barrymore Show