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7 Words From Christopher Reeve’s Wife Gave Him Will to Live After Accident

In the new trailer for Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story, the late Christopher Reeve shared words from his wife that transformed his outlook after a devastating accident. Following a horse-riding mishap in 1995, Reeve was paralyzed from the neck down and struggled to find a reason to live.

The documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January, and DC Studios released its trailer months later. The film takes a profound and emotional dive into Reeve’s life post-accident and its repercussions on his career.

Whilst Reeve considered euthanization as he could no longer sail, ski, play with his son, or even make love to his wife, Dana, she reassured him with the words, “You’re still you. And I love you.” With that, Reeve felt life was worth living again and changed his outlook on his condition almost instantly.

Although Reeve died young at the age of 52, he made the most of his latter years thanks to Dana’s love and support. Dana also suffered lung cancer and died a year after Reeve, leaving behind their three children, Matthew, Alexandra, and Will.

The tell-all movie will be out in theaters this fall and will feature his children and friends including Whoopi Goldberg, Susan Sarandon, Jeff Daniels and Glenn Close. Unable to act since 1995, Reeve impacted lives in other ways through activism and changing legislation to favor disabled U.S. citizens.

He also founded the Christopher Reeve Foundation, which has invested about $65 million in research so far and given millions of dollars in grants to better the lives of people like himself. Reeve’s kids have continued his legacy as board members of the initiative, which was later renamed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

Source: Sundance Film Festival, DC Studios