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8 TV Shows You Probably Forgot About

Nostalgia has a unique and almost magical way of working on the mind, similar to trying to remember the lyrics of a song you once thought you knew perfectly. Just when you think you have them etched in your memory, they slip away. But then, when you hear the chorus, the recollection comes charging back like a steam engine.

In the same vein, sometimes you might swear a memory is yours, only to see an old TV clip on YouTube and realize it wasn’t your life but something that happened to a character on an old show. Maybe you thought you got into trouble for a prank at school, only to find out it was actually Mike Seaver from Growing Pains.

This phenomenon is even more pronounced with TV shows that have faded from collective memory. You could be lying in bed or doing mundane tasks when out of the blue, a TV show you haven’t thought about in ages pops into your mind. But was it real? That usually cues a Google search because memories can become foggy over time.

In a recent exercise of compiling a list of iconic TV homes, I realized many shows I hadn’t thought about in years. I began noting them down and cross-referencing to see which ones actually existed and which ones I might have imagined.

For some of these TV shows, it’s unclear why they didn’t gain more lasting fame in pop culture. For others, it’s almost surprising that anyone even remembers them, including me. Here is a dive into eight TV shows that you’ve probably totally forgotten about.

Think your memory might be playing tricks on you? Think again. These TV shows were indeed real. How many of them do you remember watching?

Several of the most iconic TV shows in history now have only one surviving main cast member. Shows like Diff’rent Strokes and Gilligan’s Island fall into this category. Scroll through and see who remains from these beloved programs.

Additionally, let’s take a walk down a groovy memory lane and recall some iconic objects from the ’70s that made life easy, fun, and undeniably cool. Can you recognize these items from a bygone era?

Source: Stephen Lenz