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‘8 Years Later: Latest News on KpopStarz’

In a recent TV show, a K-pop idol shared a poignant tale about his only family member going missing eight years ago.

Kim Taeheon, the former main rapper of the group ZE:A, recently appeared on MBN’s “Special Exclusive World,” a program focusing on current affairs and culture. During his appearance, he discussed his life after stepping away from the K-pop scene and disclosed the tragic details of his family background.

He began by recounting the hardships he faced early in life. Taeheon lost his father when he was just eight years old, a loss that came with massive debts. His mother succumbed to breast cancer when he was around 15, leaving only Taeheon and his sister behind.

When he rose to fame with ZE:A, Taeheon managed to pay off his father’s debts using his earnings and even opened a store for his sister to help them move forward.

However, in 2016, a year after he began his mandatory military service, their relationship took a turn. Taeheon lost contact with his sister during his time in the military.

“I suddenly lost contact with my sister. While I was in the military, my sister mentioned something had happened, so I took a leave of absence to see her. But since my discharge from the military, I haven’t been able to reach her.”

Taeheon believes his sister’s disappearance is tied to guilt over losing their money.

“I think it’s because of the money. We lost contact after the store went under, and it’s been eight years since then.”

From having a store, Taeheon returned to a difficult financial situation. He now lives in a studio apartment and works at a restaurant in Seoul. Before this, he took on construction and logistics jobs to make ends meet.

Despite financial constraints, part of his earnings goes towards finding his older sister. Taeheon initially sought help from the police. However, it was an isolated case since his sister declared she didn’t want to meet her family, limiting any information he could obtain due to privacy laws.

Before concluding the broadcast, Taeheon expressed his heartfelt wishes.

“My older sister is more important than money. I wish she would stop playing hide-and-seek now. I miss my older sister.”

Kim Taeheon debuted as the main rapper of the boy group ZE:A in 2010. Despite initial success and wealth, he faced financial hardships when his exclusive contract ended, and group activities ceased.

Source: KpopStarz