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’90 Day Fiancé’: Did Thais Ramone Change Her Mind About Having Kids?

Fans were surprised when Thais Ramone told her husband, Patrick Mendes, that she might not want to have more children. This statement upset Patrick, who feels strongly about having at least one more child. The couple already has a daughter, but Patrick is eager for more. Recently, Thais shared whether she has reconsidered her stance on the topic. Read on to learn more.

Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone are a married couple, but there have been some complications, primarily due to Patrick’s brother, John. Before Thais moved to the United States, John frequently invited women to their home, treating it like a bachelor pad. Moreover, he often urged Patrick to join him at bars and strip clubs, a behavior that Thais found troubling. Thais’s friends even confronted John about his influence when they visited from Brazil. This culminated in a heated exchange where John called one of her friends a derogatory term, resulting in a drink being thrown in his face.

In a recent revelation, Thais clarified her stance on having more children. She expressed that she never definitively said she didn’t want more kids. Instead, she emphasized her current unpreparedness due to various reasons, stating:

“Never said ‘I don’t want.’ I love kids. What I said [was I was] not ready, for so many reasons, it [involves] so many things. My mind [changes] all the time about the timing. It can happen tomorrow, or years.. let’s see.”

This update brought relief to fans, who admire Thais as a mother and were hopeful she would consider expanding her family. She appears more open to the idea now, despite her initial preference to wait. During an earlier discussion, Emily and Loren had advised her that once one moves past the diaper phase, it’s challenging to go back. Thais, however, remained firm in wanting to delay having more children.

Thais even inquired how Patrick would feel if she decided not to have more children at all, a prospect that clearly distressed him. It seems Thais was not entirely ruling out the idea of more children but was signaling that she wasn’t ready at that particular moment. This understanding lifted the spirits of fans who were concerned it might become a significant issue for Patrick. They appreciated her need for time and recovery.

Thais Ramone & Patrick Mendes From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From @buffmendes Instagram

Overall, Thais’s stance on having more children seems less about rejecting the idea entirely and more about needing time to feel ready. This has reassured fans who were worried that differences over wanting more children might cause a rift in their relationship.

What are your thoughts on Thais’s decision? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Source: TV Shows Ace