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A Domestic Enemy Resides in the White House

Recently released footage from January 6, 2021, showcases the intense emotions of then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she confronted the ramifications of the Capitol riots. With sharp words directed at former President Donald Trump, Pelosi labeled him a “domestic enemy” and insisted that he must “pay a price” for his actions.

This footage, shot by Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra Pelosi, captures critical moments on January 5, 6, and 7, during the Capitol incident. HBO provided this footage to the House Committee on Administration, a Republican-led group aiming to challenge the January 6 select committee’s findings that Trump was solely responsible for the day’s events.

Following the chaos, during a ride in her SUV on January 7, Pelosi expressed her dismay at the damage inflicted on both the Capitol and the country. “I just feel sick about what he did to the Capitol and the country,” she stated. “He’s got to pay a price for that.”

Later that day, in her office, which had suffered extensive damage, Pelosi sat with aides adorned in a colorful floral mask. Conversations quickly shifted toward the significant “failure of leadership at the top of the Capitol Police,” and with an escalating sense of urgency, she focused her ire on Trump.

In June, previously unseen footage of Pelosi’s immediate reactions post-evacuation surfaced. As she traversed the hallways of the Capitol, her frustration grew evident. Pelosi highlighted her disagreement with the evacuation decision and expressed her outrage over security deficiencies.

“How many times did members ask, ‘Are we prepared? Are we prepared?’ We’re not prepared for the worst,” she lamented. “We’re calling the National Guard now? It should’ve been here to start out with. I just don’t understand it.”

As she departed from the Capitol, her anger intensified, conveying a sense of personal responsibility for the lack of preparedness regarding the National Guard. “It’s stupid that we should be in a situation like this. Because they thought they had what? They thought these people would act civilized? They thought these people gave a damn?”

Pelosi’s emotional state revealed not just anger but also a profound sense of accountability for the failures on that day. In her conclusion to the footage, she leaned back in her seat, casting blame outward. “Shame on us,” she lamented, reflecting on the broader implications of the events that unfolded.

This release of footage continues to fuel discussions around the January 6 incident, amplifying scrutiny of security measures and leadership during one of the most tumultuous days in American politics.

The raw emotions displayed by Pelosi in this footage highlight the broader issues regarding the Capitol’s preparedness and response, raising questions about the implications of leadership decisions made during a crisis.

As the nation reflects on the events of January 6, this new footage adds layers to the ongoing discourse surrounding accountability and security failures, particularly how leaders respond to threats from within their own ranks.

Source: Business Insider