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A.K. Knutson: Flotsam and Jetsam

Flotsam and Jetsam are experiencing a surge in creativity even 40 years into their career. Singer A.K. Knutson mentioned on Full Metal Jackie’s weekend show that their inspiration comes from the impressive work of their peers from the ’80s.

“Some of the older ’80s bands are putting out some really great music. Overkill, Death Angel, even Metal Church, they’re all putting out some really good stuff,” says Knutson. “It’s building a little fire underneath us to keep going. If they can do it, we can do it type of thing. I have a lot of respect for the bands that are in the same genre as us.”

This renewed vigor is evident in their new record, I Am the Weapon, set for release on Sept. 13. Full Metal Jackie interviewed A.K. about the state of the band in 2024, their creative process, and their plans for the new album cycle.

Their latest single, “Burn My Bridges,” comes at a politically heated time as the presidential election approaches. They discussed the relevance of the song in today’s divided political landscape.

“It’s Full Metal Jackie and with us this week we welcome Flotsam and Jetsam’s A.K. Knutson. The band is back with the new album I Am the Weapon, their 15th studio album overall. A.K., you’ve been here through it all. What does it mean to you to reach the 15 album mark? It’s a long way from those days of just discovering heavy metal and starting the band.”

It is. We’ve been through just about everything a band can go through and for some reason, we’re still hanging on. I’m glad we did because these last few albums have been very beneficial for us.

Full Metal Jackie inquired whether they used previous material for I Am the Weapon or started fresh.

We always start fresh. We have no specific goal or direction when we begin writing. However, years of experience and past albums do influence the process. Our recent work incorporates elements from everything we have done before, and it’s turning out really well.

Jackie then asked if there was a particular spark that ignited the creative flow for this new album.

Our current lineup is very cohesive. Everyone contributes to the writing process without any ego involved. We split credits and money evenly, ensuring that we prioritize what’s best for the song, not any individual member.

“Burn My Bridges” touches on today’s polarized political climate. When asked about its inspiration, A.K. explained,

The song doesn’t take sides. I believe there are good things from both the left and right until extremists from either side get involved. The song reflects the idea that burning bridges makes it challenging to return to normalcy.

Jackie noted that being 15 records into their career, they must find new ways to keep the creative spark alive. A.K. shared his thoughts.

It’s all about growth. I’ve experimented with different styles of lyrical and music writing over the years. I now know what works and what doesn’t. I have a team that isn’t afraid to give honest feedback, and together we refine our work to achieve the best results.

Reflecting on 40 years in the industry, A.K. and Michael Gilbert remain strong ties to the band’s inception. They discussed the importance of having a partner from those early days and how the current lineup compares to the original one.

Every lineup has been great in its own way. This new lineup includes professional veterans who excel in touring, decision-making, and writing. Ken Mary on drums has been a significant influence on my writing and singing. We have so much material now that some great stuff had to be left out of this new record due to time constraints.

A.K.’s unique trajectory in metal, growing from a novice to a seasoned musician, was also discussed. He shared what attracted him to metal and his views on the future of heavy music.

I was initially into artists like Barry Manilow and Elton John. My world changed when I heard Unleashed in the East and Iron Maiden’s Killers. Metal had a golden era, then grunge disrupted things. Now, old-school metal is making a comeback. It’s exciting to see ’80s bands producing great music again—it motivates us to keep going.

Finally, Jackie asked what the future holds for Flotsam and Jetsam. Aside from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise next year, the band has several plans in the pipeline.

We have some South American tours planned and recently had an excellent reception in Brazil. We’ve also secured a new management company and agent. We’re ready for whatever amazing opportunities come our way.

Thanks to Flotsam and Jetsam’s A.K. Knutson. The band’s I Am the Weapon album will be released on Sept. 13. Stay updated on all their activities through their social media and music platforms.

Source: Loudwire