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A New Race: Harris’ Acceptance Speech Explained Why It Matters.

Over just 40 minutes Thursday night, Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination with a fluent, forceful, tightly argued address. | Francis Chung/POLITICO

Donald Trump has made his stance clear as he prepares for the next 74 days of campaigning against Kamala Harris. The former president has labeled the current vice president as a leftist, calling her “Comrade Kamala” and claiming she is “far more liberal than crazy Bernie Sanders.” He describes her as lightweight and disconnected from everyday Americans, making derogatory remarks about her identity and personality.

In stark contrast, over the span of a powerful 40-minute speech, Harris accepted the Democratic nomination, delivering a well-structured and assertive argument meant to counter Trump’s depiction of her. Her performance was designed to resonate with undecided viewers, leaving little room for ambiguity about her capabilities and beliefs.

Harris’s nomination came on the heels of President Biden’s underwhelming debate performance against Trump just weeks prior. The nature of an acceptance speech offers a different platform than a debate, and Harris capitalized on this opportunity to present a compelling narrative that seemed to confirm shifting perceptions in public opinion polls post-Democratic convention.

Following her speech, Trump now faces intensified pressure to challenge Harris effectively in their upcoming debate on September 10. Harris shared the foundational elements of her values, tracing them back to her early career as a prosecutor, which informed not only her policies but also her method of communication—focused, clear, and pragmatic.

Rather than advocating for a radical leftist agenda, Harris centered on a blend of issues that resonate with a broad base of Democrats. She championed the protection of abortion rights, voting rights, and the safeguarding of Social Security and Medicare. Throughout her discourse, she consistently invoked themes of traditional values and strength, recalling her tough stances against drug cartels and predatory banks during her tenure as prosecutor and attorney general.

On matters of national security, Harris sought to assure the public of her readiness to lead. “As vice president, I have confronted threats to our security, negotiated with foreign leaders, strengthened our alliances, and engaged with our brave troops overseas,” she stated, underscoring her commitment to maintain America’s military superiority.

Aware of Trump’s strategy to leverage immigration as a political issue, she pivoted, holding him accountable for undermining bipartisan efforts on border security, promising to revive and pass those crucial policies. In the context of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, she strived to balance her statements, affirming her support for Israel’s right to defend itself while advocating for the Palestinian people’s dignity and rights.

Key to Harris’s message was a personal narrative aimed at making her relatable to the electorate. Reflecting on her upbringing, she spoke fondly of her mother’s resilience and her roots in a close-knit, working-class community in California. She expressed a deep love for the country, aiming to cultivate a sense of familiarity and reassurance among voters.

Harris’s approach appears strategic, as she endeavored to preempt any potential attacks on her character, thereby preparing the ground for her critiques of Trump’s leadership. She characterized Trump as “an unserious man,” while emphasizing the serious implications a second term could hold for the country.

The speech meticulously addressed a range of issues central to the Democratic agenda, touching on Trump’s repeated undermining of democratic norms, including his role in the January 6 insurrection and legal troubles resulting from felony convictions. Harris emphasized the dangers of a Trump presidency unchecked by a strong opposition, urging voters to consider the ramifications of his leadership style and priorities.

A politician effective in combining offensive and defensive strategies in their discourse poses a significant threat to opponents. This was a hallmark of past Democratic leaders like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, achieving success through skillful rhetoric. Harris has demonstrated that she possesses this ability, reversing any doubt about her capacity to command and redirect the narrative in her favor.

Following her commanding speech, Trump and his campaign are undoubtedly assessing strategies to respond to Harris’s influence on the campaign’s trajectory. The political stakes continue to rise as both sides prepare for upcoming encounters that will shape the election’s outcome.

Source: Politico