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A Stunning Romance Debut: The Truth According to Ember

Berkley has been delighting romance readers with numerous highly anticipated releases, and one such book is The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava.

If you follow romance readers on social media, you’ve likely encountered the charming cover of The Truth According to Ember. This cover seems to be everywhere, and for good reason.

I was thrilled when Berkley sent me an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of this book, especially during my hectic move in July. Despite my busy schedule, this book was a top priority for me, and once I settled down, I dived right in. Now, I’m eager to share my thoughts.

The Truth According to Ember starts in an incredibly relatable manner, with Ember Cardinal searching for a job. She aspires to be an accountant, but without a degree and being Native American, she faces constant rejection. On a whim, she applies for a job, identifying herself as white, leveraging her father’s ethnicity.

Ember receives a call for an interview. On her way, she encounters a strikingly handsome man, who we’ll later learn is Danuwoa, the company’s IT specialist. A baby’s unfortunate spit-up incident adds humor to their initial meeting. From that moment, it’s evident that Ember and Dan express a strong connection.

Ember secures the job and quickly earns a promotion, but her ascent is built on lies. Meanwhile, her bond with Dan intensifies. As their relationship deepens, the weight of Ember’s deceit grows, inevitably leading to a dramatic reveal. Danica Nava masterfully steers us through the narrative, with the last 25% of the book delivering unexpected and thrilling developments that many debut authors might shy away from.

Beyond the blossoming romance between Ember and Dan, I appreciated the nuanced familial relationships. Dan shares a close, endearing connection with his sister, providing delightful moments of sibling interaction. Ember’s strained relationship with her brother offers a refreshing change of pace, showcasing different family dynamics. Ember’s friendship with Joanna, who feels more like a sister to her, adds another layer of warmth and depth to the story.

The Truth According to Ember is an exciting debut featuring an exceptional romance, rich character interactions, and arguably one of the year’s most captivating covers. Let the enchanting cover lure you in, and you’ll find yourself in for a fantastic literary treat.

The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava is now available wherever books are sold.

Source: Berkley