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Accept’s Wolf Hoffmann Reveals Band’s Two Most Rewarding Albums

With a career spanning decades, Accept has experienced many highs and lows. Recently, guitarist Wolf Hoffmann discussed his most personally rewarding album cycles during an appearance on Full Metal Jackie’s weekend radio show.

One unsurprising highlight was “Balls to the Wall,” which expanded their fanbase globally. Hoffmann also emphasized the importance of “Blood of the Nations,” the band’s comeback album featuring a new singer, which marked a significant turning point.

Hoffmann was also excited to talk about Accept’s latest album, “Humanoid.” He explained how the title reflects today’s tech-centric conversation, including themes in new songs like “Frankenstein” and the similarly styled AC/DC-esque track “Straight Up Jack.”

The guitarist expressed his appreciation for working with producer Andy Sneap and noted the music industry’s changes as the band approaches its 50th anniversary.

It’s Full Metal Jackie. Joining us is Wolf Hoffmann from Accept. The band has a packed year ahead. Please tell us about naming the album “Humanoid” and the challenges you face in this tech-heavy world.

We found that this topic is very current, with everyone talking about AI and overwhelming technology. When the song “Humanoid” was written, we didn’t think too deeply about it. But once all the songs were finished, we realized this was the most relevant topic and made it the album title.

It’s on a lot of people’s minds, isn’t it?

Wolf, another song off the record is “Frankenstein.” What inspired this, and how does it tie into the “Humanoid” theme?

Funny enough, Frankenstein could be seen as an antique version of a humanoid. There’s an overlap, but it was unintentional. Uwe Lulis came up with the core concept and handed it over to Mark Tornillo, who fleshed out the full story. It’s funny how things end up coinciding sometimes.

Wolf, I have to share my love for “Straight Up Jack,” which has an AC/DC vibe. How did that song come about?

Mark sometimes writes lyrics first, without music. He sent the lyrics to us, and I really liked them. I initially struggled with the music but, once in the studio, Mark showed me how he envisioned it. It naturally turned into an AC/DC-inspired song, fitting perfectly.

Wolf Hoffmann of Accept on the show. This album pairs you with Andy Sneap again. What has made this working relationship so successful?

It just works. We are a great team and understand each other well from years of working together. It feels like a no-brainer. Like they say, never change a winning team, and we are winning with Andy. It’s a smooth process, and I hope we can continue forever.

Approaching your 50th anniversary, what changes have you seen in the music industry? What’s been better, and what’s worse?

The landscape has changed tremendously. When we started, the goal was to get a major label deal and sell millions of albums. Now, it’s all about digital downloads and streaming. The way music is distributed and consumed has changed completely. However, live performances remain largely the same. Touring, playing live shows, and connecting with the audience—those things retain their value, perhaps even more so now.

Regarding touring with KK’s Priest in the fall, what album cycle has been the most rewarding for you personally?

Two albums stand out: “Balls to the Wall” in 1984, which allowed us to break out internationally, and “Blood of the Nations” in 2009. The latter was significant as we reformed with a new singer, Mark Tornillo. It was a huge challenge, but the success of that album marked a new chapter in our career.

Wolf, great to catch up with you, and best of luck for what’s to come in 2024.

Thank you. We’re excited to return to the United States and tour with KK’s Priest. It will be an amazing experience, so come see us!

Source: Wolf Hoffmann interview