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Adam Sandler Raves About Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift’s Romance

Adam Sandler’s family has become quite enamored with Taylor Swift and her relationship with Travis Kelce. In a recent podcast appearance, Sandler shared his family’s enthusiastic support for the couple.

During his guest spot on the podcast “New Heights,” hosted by Travis Kelce and his brother Jason, the 57-year-old actor expressed how much excitement Swift and Kelce’s romance brings to his household. “When you two started dating, my family was like, ‘Yes! Look how great they are together! He’s a gentleman, and she’s having so much fun with him!’” Sandler recounted. He highlighted the joy that Swift’s laughter brings to his family, saying that they celebrate those moments with high-fives.

Travis Kelce seemed genuinely touched by Sandler’s words, replying with a playful, “You’ve got me sweating, man,” showcasing his humble nature amidst the praise.

Sandler’s admiration extends beyond his own feelings; his daughters, Sadie and Sunny, along with his wife Jackie, are also big fans of Swift. Sandler himself has attended Swift’s concerts and the premiere of her film, embracing his family’s enthusiasm for her music. In recent years, while he initially grew up listening to The Beatles, he’s found a deep appreciation for Swift’s pop melodies.

“I love listening to her in the car. I love what she has to say—every message, every melody, the production,” he said. He also recognized the impact Swift has on various audiences, emphasizing what she represents for young girls and women, as well as for men striving to do the right thing.

Further detailing his family’s connection to Swift, Sandler admitted that she makes him a bit nervous. “She just floors my family… I don’t want to mess it up for my kids and say something stupid,” he said. He clearly understands Swift’s significance to his family, expressing the hope of saying something meaningful in her presence.

“She’s a lifetime favorite, not just for us, but for the whole world,” he added. He conveyed the excitement shared by his family when they learned about Kelce’s relationship with Swift, emphasizing how they celebrated with high-fives.

As their conversation progressed, topics turned toward Kelce’s upcoming role in the sequel to the beloved film Happy Gilmore. Sandler revealed that he had considered casting Kelce to play his son during the initial writing stages but instead opted to have him portray himself alongside several famous golfers in the movie.

The discussion highlighted the warmth and joy that Sandler and his family feel towards the blossoming relationship between Swift and Kelce, showcasing a delightful intersection of celebrity admiration and personal connection.

Source: news sources