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Adele Announces Engagement to Rich Paul at Munich Concert


Adele just made a huge announcement at her concert in Germany, confirming her engagement to Rich Paul.

The singer revealed the big news onstage in Munich during her Friday concert, sharing with the crowd that she is getting married to Rich. She proudly flashed her massive engagement ring while making the announcement.

In a video from the concert, Adele narrates a story about how she told someone, “I can’t marry you because I’m already getting married.” The crowd erupts in excitement as Adele finishes the sentence and prominently displays the 4-carat diamond ring on her finger.

The engagement ring looks like the one Adele has been wearing for a while, which had already sparked rumors that Rich had finally proposed.

Adele is now affirming recent reports that Rich proposed last month in London, although it remains unclear when the wedding will take place.

Adele has been referring to herself as Rich’s wife for several months now, although it was an unofficial title. It appears they are now moving towards making it official. She has also expressed her desire to start a family with Rich.

Mazel Tov!!!

Source: TMZ