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AI Unveils Book-Accurate Appearances of Twilight Characters

When it comes to the leading players, the AI doesn’t really provide anything new or intriguing. In casting “Twilight,” the creative team had to consider various factors beyond just authenticity, including commercial viability and on-screen chemistry. Additionally, this was a franchise project, implying that the actors, especially those portraying vampires, needed to maintain a consistent appearance over the four-year period when the films dominated multiplexes. Interestingly, much of the “Twilight” cast looks different today, likely because they wanted to experiment with different looks after the series ended in 2012.

The AI-generated images become more useful when applied to supporting characters. Take Renesmee, for instance; her curly bronze hair wasn’t particularly noticeable when Mackenzie Foy played the character. Another example is Charlie Swan (Billy Burke), who did not have curly brown hair in the films. These changes, however, are minor. Ultimately, the cast we got for the multi-billion-dollar franchise was probably the best possible choice. With “Twilight” getting rebooted as a TV series, fans can look forward to a new generation of actors assuming the iconic roles we know and love.

One crucial aspect the new TV show should focus on is diversity and inclusion, areas where the films fell short. In the original series, Taylor Lautner portrayed Jacob, a member of the Quileute tribe. Although Lautner does have some Native American ancestry, the films did not cast someone directly from that community. The AI version of Jacob in the video seems to be accurate to Meyer’s description, which gives us hope that the TV series will take inspiration from it.

Source: source names