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Alanis Morissette Discusses Summer Tour, ‘Jagged Little Pill,’ and New Projects

Throughout her career, Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette has openly discussed the importance of mental health, addressing issues such as anxiety and postpartum depression. She identifies as a feminist and wholeness advocate, focusing on integrating different aspects of our being, like light and dark, masculine and feminine, yin and yang. This approach and her raw honesty have made her appealing to millions of fans worldwide.

Recently, I had the opportunity to sit down with Morissette to talk about her ongoing summer tour, revisiting her iconic album “Jagged Little Pill,” and her collaboration with UScellular to promote healthier digital habits.

PW: You recently partnered with US Cellular to promote healthier digital habits in the age of social media. What attracted you to this partnership? How does their mission align with your current lifestyle?

AM: I was compelled by the idea of a phone company that genuinely cares about mental health. Many claim to care, but few actually do. Everyone I met from UScellular seemed genuinely committed to promoting healthy digital habits. We’re all trying to find balance in something that can be incredibly addictive. For me, it’s a bit easier because I was born in the 1970s and wasn’t raised on screens. However, new generations are semi-raised on digital devices, making it tougher to adopt a lifestyle that doesn’t prioritize iPads and iPhones. So, their message really resonated with my value system.

PW: As a proud mom of two, how do you maintain your healthy habits, especially for your children?

AM: Regarding digital habits and my kids, I received some great advice from an elementary school teacher early on: “Create a triangle where, if your children are watching something, watch it with them.” I often sit right next to my kids when they’re watching something, making comments so they don’t associate digital use with isolation. I loosely monitor what they watch and what they resonate with. There’s a lot of music and art available in the digital world. So far, we’ve maintained a semblance of balance, but I keep an eye on it and invite them out if needed.

PW: Now, you’re back on the road again for your summer tour. What has it been like performing songs from your album “Jagged Little Pill” and seeing your fans again?

AM: I live for it. We’re doing a backstage experience where I lead a guided meditation, followed by a Q&A session. It’s one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life. I thought being famous would preclude intimate exchanges with fans, but it’s a big dream come true. I love connecting with people who have been listening to my music for a long time, validating their journey while they enjoy my music. Many who come to my shows have grown up with me, creating a shared understanding which is a great gift to me.

PW: During your tour, you’ve shared the stage with the Blackhearts and Morgan Wade. What has it been like performing with such talented musicians?

AM: This tour felt appropriate with Morgan, who is blossoming in her career. With Joan Jett, I feel like I’m standing on the shoulders of her giantness. It’s an honor to showcase different phases that women can be in, especially in the public eye and touring together. There seems to be more room for women to support each other now. In the 90s, I had no one to lean on like that. So, I’m heartened to see a blossoming sisterhood over the last few decades, which is the best news.

PW: The last time you released music was in 2023 with your EP titled “Last Christmas.” Are you working on more music now? If so, what can fans expect?

AM: I’m launching a platform next year focused on addiction recovery, trauma recovery, community, and awareness of personality disorders. It’s like the equivalent of writing seven records. Additionally, I feel another record in me, likely to be written over the next year. It’s like feeling pregnant with songs. So, the process of creating the record will be swift, and I imagine another album will come out over the next year or two.

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Source: Some source names