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Alicia Silverstone Shares Positive Update Following ‘Mildly Poisonous’ Fruit Scare

Alicia Silverstone put fans’ worries to rest with a health update on Tuesday, August 20, after a TikTok video sparked concern, per EW. The 47-year-old actress had shared a clip of herself sampling a bright orange fruit while walking in London. Fans feared she might have ingested something harmful after identifying the fruit as potentially poisonous. In her update, Silverstone assured her followers that she was “alive and well” and added, “Don’t worry … I didn’t swallow 😉😛” alongside a playful photo of herself.

The confusion started when Silverstone posted a video seeking help to identify a fruit she encountered. “Okay, I’ve discovered something that I can’t figure out what it is and I need your help,” she said, displaying the fruit that resembled a cherry tomato but with distinctive leaves. The TikTok community quickly speculated that the fruit was Solanum pseudocapsicum, commonly known as Jerusalem cherry. This plant is known for its small, orange berries, which are mildly toxic.

Rachel Meyer, an Associate Adjunct Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UC Santa Cruz, confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that the fruit indeed belonged to the Solanum pseudocapsicum plant. Meyer clarified that while the plant is mildly poisonous, ingesting a few berries would not be fatal. “It could make you vomit, but it’s not life-threatening,” she noted.

The Northern New England Poison Center added that consuming even a small quantity of Jerusalem cherry could result in nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. More significant ingestion might affect heart rate but is unlikely to be fatal. Plantura further described the fruit as containing a poisonous alkaloid but emphasized that the toxin poses minimal risk.

Despite the initial scare, Silverstone’s update reassured fans that she had not swallowed the potentially harmful fruit. Her lively approach to addressing the concern highlights her commitment to engaging with her audience while prioritizing her health and safety.

Source: Entertainment Weekly, Plantura, Northern New England Poison Center