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Alysha Newman Proudly Defends Twerking Celebration at 2024 Olympics


Winning a medal at the Olympics is no small feat. It requires a high level of athleticism and dedication. When pole vaulter Alysha Newman claimed her first bronze medal at the 2024 Summer Olympics, her celebratory twerk caught everyone by surprise. Fans began to wonder more about her life beyond the sports arena, including who she might be dating, if anyone.

The 2024 Olympics, enhanced by social media and widespread coverage, have brought these athletes into the everyday conversations of fans. Alysha Newman, now a second-time Olympian, has piqued curiosity not just for her skills but for her expressive celebrations.

Although Alysha resides in Florida, she hails from London, Ontario, and competes for Canada. Her rumored romantic connections have spanned both nations. In 2019, she was linked to Pittsburgh Steelers’ Anthony Chickillo. A more recent post from October 2022 saw her posing with Jared Beber, a CEO of, under which a comment read, “beautiful couple.”

Since then, no new photos of Alysha with any potential partners have surfaced. It appears the bronze medalist might be single. Given her demanding career as both an Olympic athlete and OnlyFans personality, focusing on her professional life makes sense.

Alysha’s ambitions don’t stop with her personal achievements. She aims to inspire young Canadian girls to reach for the stars, particularly in pole vaulting. Speaking at the press conference after her victory, she expressed her hopes for the future.

“I think it’s the start of something amazing for Canadian pole vaulters,” Alysha said. “It definitely had to be done so that a lot of girls and the next generation know that they’re fully capable of jumping these heights with this type of talent at the Olympic Games.”

What has garnered the most attention, however, is Alysha’s unconventional celebration. After her successful pole vault, she twerked on the sidelines, catching the eyes of viewers around the world. While some criticized her celebratory dance, others praised her authenticity.

“I’m always injured, right? And I’m always getting back on the horse,” Alysha explained to CBC. She recounted how she decided to playfully fake an injury to alarm her coaches before breaking into dance. “I didn’t honestly think, ‘I’m going to twerk,’ but from getting to that knee to the twerk, it all worked.”

Whether you admire her athleticism, her spirit, or her spontaneous celebrations, Alysha Newman is making her mark in the 2024 Olympics, both on and off the field.

Source: particlenews, CBC