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Amber Rose Without Makeup: A Natural Look

Back in 2018, Amber Rose shared her bare face with the world at the start of a makeup demonstration for Clevver Style. Although Rose admitted to having some traces of her makeup from the previous day—a cardinal skincare sin—her skin appeared flawless. Despite this, she humorously dismissed the compliment when praised for her clear skin, probably not accustomed to being on camera without makeup. Jokingly, she pleaded, “Stop … don’t lie to me!” while covering her face with a makeup wipe.

Even if she hesitated to acknowledge it herself, it was evident that Amber Rose looked fantastic without makeup. Unlike many celebrities who appear completely different without a full face of makeup, she did not fall into that category. While one could tell she wasn’t wearing her usual false lashes, contour, and lipstick, anyone seeing just the clips before her makeup was applied would still instantly recognize her. A fan in the comment section couldn’t help but point out how similar she looked with or without makeup, writing, “Is it just me or is there not that much of a difference from before to after? God this woman is beautiful!”

We love it for her!

Source: Clevver Style