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Amy Robach’s Youngest Daughter’s Tough Decision Impacts Famous Mom

Amy Robach (Gary Gershoff)

Amy Robach is preparing to bid farewell to her youngest daughter, Annalise, who is leaving the family nest to attend college. This move officially makes the former GMA host an empty nester.

What’s even more challenging for Amy is that Annalise, 18, has chosen to study not just in another state but in another country. Annalise will be attending the University of Colorado at Boulder, but her first semester will be spent studying abroad in Spain.

During an appearance on her mother’s podcast, Amy and T.J., Annalise shared her thoughts: “Yeah, I’m going to Spain for my first semester, which will definitely be a culture shock for me. I’ve spent some time in Europe, so hopefully, it won’t be too scary. But that’s only from September to December, so I won’t be there for that long. But that will be a fun little transition to my first semester in college. And then I go to Boulder.”

Amy responded: “And you said you were feeling a little bit of anxiety because although it’s super cool to get to go to Seville, you’ll basically be going to Boulder in the spring semester, and you were a little concerned that maybe you’ll be catching up or there’ll be cliques already formed.”
Amy Robach’s daughter Annalise is moving to Spain

Annoying, Annalise replied: “Yeah. So there’s some anxiety. Like, you’re always anticipating, you know, what’s gonna happen next. So have you been able to just focus on right here, right now, today instead of thinking, ‘oh no, what’s gonna happen next semester?’ Don’t we all do that? And just psych ourselves out? Sometimes.”

Amy connected with her daughter by saying: “Yeah. So there’s some anxiety. Like you’re always anticipating, you know, what’s gonna happen next. So have you been able to just focus on right here, right now, today instead of thinking, ‘oh no, what’s gonna happen next semester?’ Don’t we all do that? And just psych ourselves out? Sometimes.”

Reflecting on her upcoming experience, Annalise said: “I’m trying to focus on the present right now and not the future. Because I will technically be a transfer student even though I’m enrolled. But people will look at me as like, ‘oh, she’s coming in. She hated her school first semester.’ Like, until I explain it, I don’t know. I just feel like I mean, I haven’t really been the new kid that many times, but I’ve seen all the movies, seen all the TV shows and it always looks like the worst thing ever.”
Amy is preparing to become an empty nester

Amy spoke about the decision for Annalise to study so far away, choosing Spain and then Colorado over staying in New York City like her older sister, Ava.
Amy with her older daughter Ava

She remarked: “And that’s bold because you want to see something else. You wanna see something new. And for those of us who weren’t raised in New York, I always appreciate people who do have the wherewithal to experience other parts of either this country or the world.
Amy with her boyfriend T.J. Holmes

“Because New York is truly a bubble. And when you meet folks, it really is… I do think it’s cool just because we’ve had the experience of seeing how other people do things.”

Amy added: “And it was interesting because I looked it up because I was upset that you were going so far away, but I’m happy that you’re going to where you wanna go.”

Source: Hello Magazine, Instagram, Variety