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Ana Navarro Defends CNN’s Collins Against Megyn Kelly’s Attacks

Ana Navarro, known for her roles as a co-host on The View and as a political analyst on CNN, has publicly defended her colleague Kaitlan Collins from recent criticisms made by Megyn Kelly.

In a recent social media post, Navarro highlighted an online report where Kelly, a former Fox News host, described Collins as a “cold-hearted b***” and claimed she lacked personality, calling her “boring.”

“[Kelly] is attacking [Collins] and offering her ‘pro-tips’ on how to act on TV,” Navarro wrote on an Instagram post. “That’s funny. Kaitlan is the host of a nightly, prime-time show. Megyn Kelly is not.”

Navarro continued, “NBC paid-out her contract to the tune of many tens of millions of dollars, just to get rid of her, because her show was such a dismal failure. Attacks by certain people should be viewed as a badge of honor. This is one.”

She referred to Kelly’s exit from the Today show in 2018 after a controversial defense of blackface Halloween costumes. Following this, NBC and Kelly reached an agreement, with reports stating Kelly received the full remainder of her $69 million, three-year contract.

Kelly’s comments on Collins were a response to the CNN host’s defense of her network as “fair.” On her SiriusXM show, Kelly said, “I will submit to the record, her biggest sin is not that she is biased, though she is. It’s that she’s boring. She’s extremely boring with no personality. I have a pro tip for her: Smile. Try smiling. Try not to be in your delivery like such a cold-hearted b*** all the time, because it gives people nothing to bond to.”

The feud underscores ongoing tensions and differing opinions between media personalities across different networks.

Watch Kelly’s full segment in the video below.

Source: CNN, NBC, SiriusXM