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Arizona Man Pleads Guilty to Threatening FBI Agents and Politicians

An Arizona man has pleaded guilty to making serious threats against federal officials, following a series of alarming posts he made on social media. Michael Lee Tomasi, 37, from Rio Verde, Arizona, reportedly urged fellow users to shoot FBI agents and attack politicians.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Tomasi’s threats spanned over more than two years, from May 2021 to November 2023. He primarily used the platform ‘,’ which brands itself as a community for supporters of former President Donald J. Trump.

During this time, Tomasi targeted not only FBI agents but also elected officials and the judge presiding over the defamation case of right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. His disturbing remarks featured violent imagery and incitements to harm those in authority.

Tomasi, who moved between Colorado and Arizona during the timeframe of his offenses, entered a guilty plea concerning the threats made against federal officials. He is awaiting sentencing, which is scheduled for October 23. He faces a potential maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

The original indictment included specific threats, such as a November 2021 statement in which Tomasi threatened to sexually assault a congresswoman. Moreover, in March 2022, he called for the execution of another congressional member, stating, “He’s one of them. Kill every corrupt politician.” These explicit calls for violence highlight a troubling pattern in Tomasi’s online behavior.

Tensions escalated in November 2021 when he made a chilling statement regarding FBI agents, proclaiming, “FBI has no legal ability to enforce anything. Shoot on site.” Further demonstrating his aggressive rhetoric, a post from August 2023 revealed Tomasi advocating for “instant death” for FBI agents, reinforcing his position that they should be targeted with violence.

In a rather audacious display, Tomasi shared a video of himself dancing with two firearms, captioned “My Let’s Go Brandon dance,” referencing a derogatory phrase aimed at President Joe Biden. This decision to flaunt weapons online indicates a reckless disregard for the seriousness of his threats.

U.S. Attorney Gary Restaino for the District of Arizona commented on the situation, stating that the “disgruntled defendant” appeared ready to act on his threats. At the time of his arrest, Tomasi was found with a loaded handgun in his vehicle, in addition to other firearms and body armor located in his home. This revelation raises concerns about the potential for real-world violence stemming from his online declarations.

The case underscores the serious nature of online threats made against public officials, particularly as such rhetoric can translate into tangible risks for those targeted. The federal government is taking a firm stand against such behaviors, emphasizing the importance of accountability for individuals making threats against law enforcement and elected representatives.

As Tomasi awaits sentencing, this case serves as a reminder of the significant consequences that follow such dangerous speech. While he faces a lengthy prison sentence, the implications of the threats made resonate beyond the courtroom, highlighting growing tensions in the current political climate.

Source: ABC News