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As Democrats Start Convention, House GOP Releases Biden Impeachment Report

WASHINGTON – A significant impeachment report was released by House Republicans on Monday, filled with serious allegations of influence peddling and obstruction against President Joe Biden. The accusations, which Biden has dismissed as “lies,” stem from an extensive investigation that has lasted nearly two years.

The 291-page document, compiled by the Judiciary, Oversight and Accountability, and Ways and Means committees, claims that Biden participated in a scheme aimed at helping his relatives gain millions from foreign entities, allegedly by participating in dinners and phone conversations with them.

The report states, “The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious.” It further claims, “President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift. In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

This report was released on the same day Biden was set to address the Democratic National Convention, his decision to not seek reelection against former President Donald Trump raising eyebrows. Biden’s allies contend that the impeachment inquiry is a tactic by Republicans to boost Trump’s polling numbers in anticipation of the upcoming election in November.

Biden has labeled the corruption allegations as falsehoods. His brother, James Biden, and son, Hunter Biden, have also denied that the President was involved in their business dealings. Edward Siskel, White House counsel, asserted the impeachment inquiry was declared premature after a March hearing revealed skepticism even from some Republican legislators regarding the evidence.

Siskel wrote to House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., insisting, “Instead, the investigation has continually turned up evidence that, in fact, the President did nothing wrong.”

The report serves as an update on ongoing investigations initiated by Republicans since regaining control of the House in 2023, rather than a precursor to impeachment proceedings or a Senate trial. This inquiry might mark the first instance of a presidential impeachment that doesn’t culminate in a House vote or a resignation.

Following Biden’s withdrawal from the race, GOP lawmakers indicated they would pivot their investigative focus towards Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, the leading Democrat on the Oversight committee, released a counter-report that he said dismantled the “same old lies and propaganda.” Raskin dismissed the Republican assertions, stating that every “lie, distortion and dirty trick” used against Biden had ultimately “boomeranged and imploded.”

“What do you call a hellbent 20-month impeachment drive whose managers finally just dissolve into compulsive repetition of thoroughly discredited and meaningless accusations?” Raskin questioned. “I would call it a complete exoneration of the target of their pathetic attacks – President Joe Biden.”

Throughout the report, Biden’s alleged offenses were compared to the 2019 impeachment of Trump regarding his dealings with Ukraine. The report references the Democratic-led impeachment as evidence that the suggested “abuse of power” was relevant in defining impeachable offenses.

It is highlighted that Biden’s relatives purportedly received $27 million from foreign sources since 2014, a period including both Biden’s vice presidency and a four-year break from public office. The Bidens contest that the President profited from these dealings, with James Biden insisting that any money given to his brother was simply repayment of a personal loan.

The findings allege that Hunter Biden frequently put his father on speakerphone during meetings with overseas business contacts. However, some witnesses have claimed that these conversations were trivial, often limited to discussions about the weather.

The report also accuses the Justice Department of giving Hunter Biden preferential treatment during investigations that led to charges for tax evasion and gun possession. After a federal judge rejected a plea deal for Hunter, he was convicted in June for gun-related charges and faces upcoming tax-related trials.

Additionally, accusations surfaced claiming the White House obstructed the impeachment inquiry by withholding critical documents and witnesses. Biden allegedly invoked executive privilege to deny access to recordings of his testimony regarding classified documents, which prompted the Justice Department to only provide a transcript.

The GOP report echoes some themes presented during Trump’s impeachment discussions. It emphasizes that Biden’s alleged involvement in enriching his family through foreign business activities represented an abuse of public trust.

In direct contrast, the White House and Biden himself have consistently rebutted these accusations throughout the inquiry. The President stated, “Instead of doing anything to help make Americans’ lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies,” postulating that the entire inquiry is politically motivated.

Consequently, Biden’s administration has labeled the pursuit of these claims as a misuse of power and an unjustified attack on his presidency.

Source: USA Today