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Award-Winning Kentucky Anchor with 106 Emmys Makes Surprise On-Air Announcement

Multi-award winner and WAVE news anchor John Boel has announced his retirement in early 2025. The beloved Kentucky journalist took to Instagram earlier today to declare the culmination of his 40-year career and detailed his plans to continue helping people.

Between his tenures at WLKY and WAVE, Boel has amassed a record 106 Emmys for his investigative work, with four awarded this year alone. Additionally, he has received 17 Edward R. Murrow Awards and two Eclipse Awards throughout his illustrious career.

While Boel has spent many years behind a camera, he is most known for his efforts in aiding addiction recovery. The longtime triathlete entered rehab in November 2010 and has since shared his story to assist other sufferers.

Boel has authored two books: “On the News … In the News: A Journalist’s Own Story of Recovery and Self-Discovery” and “Cast Away: Five Generations of Family Fish Stories.” The former provides detailed insights into his journey through addiction.

In his announcement, the revered journalist wrote: “When I got to rehab in Nov 2010, I thought my life & career were over. A couple of days after arriving, a counselor at Hazelden handed me the St. Paul Pioneer Press because it had an article he wanted me to read. It happened to be about a guy I idolized in college named Don Shelby—a legendary anchor & I-Team leader at WCCO-TV.”

“The story was news to me. It detailed the plunge he suffered because of alcoholism. But he’d gone to treatment, turned around his life, and was happily retiring after a career fulfilled.”

“They handed me that story to give me hope. But I sat there and wept because it all seemed so unreachable & impossible at that point in my crashed life.”

“A wonderful thing happened after that. People encouraged me while at the same time delivering honest blows about my character defects—a long list. They told me I could get there too if I did what I was told and put it in the hands of a higher power.”

“I got the same kind of encouragement, support & honesty from countless people after the plane landed back in Louisville and thereafter.”

“One thing led to another. An offer from WAVE. Job promotions. Incredible coworkers. Paid off debt. Journalism achievements. Better family life. Successful kids. Growth as a person. And now—I’m happy to announce my own retirement.”

“I’ve spent 40 years in this biz trying to help people. But there are some others back in WI who need my help. I’m looking forward to doing that as a son/brother/dad/grandpa—instead of a journalist.”

According to his announcement, his last telecast will be on February 28, 2025. Boel shares two daughters, Kelsey and Brianna, and a dog named Durango with his wife Brenda.
