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Baby Learns Cat’s Love Language, Melting Hearts Everywhere

Babies are very intuitive. They recognize the faces of loved ones and often excel at bonding with a variety of people. However, this baby was picking up on more communication styles than just his parents. Watch as this baby learns his cat’s language in a too-adorable TikTok video.

While most cats communicate with their owners by meowing, this black and white cat has developed its own unique way to express love. According to the video poster, @shannyn0225, her cat shows affection through head bumps. A note over the video reads, “My baby has realized the cat shows affection with head bumps, so this is how he greets him.”

The video starts with the baby on all fours, extending his head towards the cat. In response, the cat comes up and lovingly brushes its body against the baby’s head. The baby is so excited that he sits up and looks at his mom with glee. He has learned how to show affection to his favorite furry friend.

As the video progresses, there is a montage of moments where the baby presents his head to the cat for a loving head bump. Sometimes the cat affectionately bumps back. Other times, it uses its paw to pat the baby’s head or finds itself smothered with love, potentially against its will.

No matter how many times you watch the video, the adorable head bumps never get old. It demonstrates that as much as we think we train our pets, they train us just as much.

This adorable video is not the first time this duo has been featured on TikTok. They also appear in another hilarious video by @shannyn0225 that shows the progression of their relationship. The beginning of the clip shows the cat affectionately licking the baby’s head, seemingly thinking, “This baby will be my new best friend!”

However, later in the video, the dynamic between them shifts to resemble typical siblings, where they play and annoy each other.

Their relationship highlights how non-human members of a family can teach, learn, and grow with human babies in the most adorable ways.

The source of the featured image can be found here.

Source: InspireMore