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Barron Trump Revealed to Attend New York College, Spotted on First Day

Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump, marked the beginning of his college journey by attending the first day of classes at New York University. This attendance has resolved the ongoing speculation about where he would choose to pursue his higher education this fall.

On Wednesday, Barron was spotted leaving Trump Tower, his father’s iconic skyscraper in Midtown Manhattan, as he made his way to campus. He appeared college-ready, dressed in a white polo and black slacks, accompanied by a security detail. Photos of his departure were captured by The New York Post.

According to sources, Barron visited the dean’s office on his first day before proceeding to attend his class.

Former President Trump confirmed that Barron will be enrolled in NYU’s prestigious Stern School of Business. In an interview with The Daily Mail, Trump expressed confidence in his son’s academic abilities, stating, “He’s a very smart guy, and he’ll be going to Stern, the business school, which is a great school at N.Y.U.”

He added, “He’s a very high aptitude child, but he’s no longer a child. He’s just passed into something beyond child-dom. He’s doing great.”

The presence of Barron on campus presents a significant security complexity for the Secret Service. Paul Eckloff, a former agent, told The Independent last month that agents will strive to minimize disruptions to Barron’s college experience while ensuring his safety. Social media poses a unique challenge in this regard.

“The Secret Service has to monitor [social media],” Eckloff explained. “Let’s say that a president’s child is at a party and someone tweets out their picture. Now, their location is broadcast on social media, and they could become a target. That can endanger everybody.”

Barron Trump will attend NYU’s business school, his father said. (Getty Images)

Previously, in August, Donald Trump had hinted that his son would select a college in New York, effectively ruling out other elite institutions such as the University of Pennsylvania, which both he and Ivanka Trump attended, or Georgetown, which is also associated with the Trump family as Eric Trump is an alumnus.

Barron Trump completed his high school education at Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, in May. He is said to be planning to reside in Trump Tower while commuting to NYU.

Barron is not the only member of the Trump family pursuing higher education. Recently, Kai Trump, the granddaughter of Donald Trump, announced her verbal commitment to play golf at the University of Miami, which is home to a highly regarded program. At just 17, Kai is the daughter of Donald Trump Jr. and Vanessa Trump.

When making her announcement on Instagram, she thanked her family for their continued support throughout her journey, saying, “I would like to thank my mom, Vanessa, and my dad, Don, for always supporting me through my journey.” She also expressed gratitude to her grandfather for providing her access to excellent courses and unwavering support.

Source: The New York Post, The Daily Mail, The Independent