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Beirut Filmmaker Irene Bartolomé’s ‘Dream Of Another Summer’ Wins Top Prize

Experimental feature Dream of Another Summer has won the Locarno Pro’s Antaviana Films First Look Award, the top prize from the festival’s industry section. This award includes post-production services valued at up to €50,000.

The project, directed by Barcelona-born, Beirut-based filmmaker Irene Bartolomé, is produced by Pere Marzo (Colibrí Studio), Bartolomé (I.B. Films), and Elie Kamal (The Attic Productions).

The Locarno Pro jury, consisting of Beatrice Fiorentino (Artistic Director, Venice’s International Film Critics’ Week), Kerem Ayan (Director, Istanbul Film Festival), and Mercedes Martínez-Abarca (Programmer, International Film Festival Rotterdam) praised the film as “a poetic and rigorous project that elaborates on collective trauma by rewriting the topography of a city wounded many times by history.” They added that it “restores the complexity of a territory marked by the past and the drive for modernity.”

In addition, the Music Library & SFX/Acorde Award, which includes €45,000 in music supervision services, was awarded to Río abajo, un tigre, directed by Víctor Diago and produced by Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films). The film also received the Laserfilm cine y vídeo Award worth €5,000.

The second annual Heritage Online Restoration Contest was awarded to Liliana Cavani’s 1969 film I Cannibali (The Cannibals). The film, represented by Minerva Pictures, will undergo a full restoration by German film lab Cinegrell and will be showcased at the 2025 Locarno Film Festival.

Winners List:

Antaviana Films First Look Award:

Up to €50,000 in post-production services

Dream of Another Summer Directed by: Irene Bartolomé
Produced by: Pere Marzo, Irene Bartolomé, and Elie Kamal

Jury statement: “A poetic and rigorous project that elaborates on collective trauma by rewriting the topography of a city wounded many times by history. In its dual public and private dimensions, it restores the complexity of a territory marked by the past and the drive for modernity.”

Music Library & SFX/Acorde Award:

€45,000 in music supervision services

Río abajo, un tigre Directed by: Víctor Diago
Produced by: Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films)

Laserfilm cine y vídeo Award:

€5,000 for various services like subtitles and transcriptions

Río abajo, un tigre Directed by: Víctor Diago
Produced by: Montse Pujol Solà (Boogaloo Films)

Jannuzzi Smith Award:

Design of an international poster worth €10,000

Mares Directed by: Ariadna Seuba
Produced by: Carles Brugeras, Marieke van der Bersselaar, and María Nova López

Le Film Français Award:

€5,600 in advertising space

Bodegón con fantasmas Directed by: Enrique Buleo
Produced by: Alejandra Mora, Alicia Yubero, Snezana van Houwelingen, and Roberto Butragueño

Alliance 4 Development:

Alphapanda Market Breakout Award:

Consultancy services valued at €3,500

Bourgeois Paranoia by Lukas Nathrath, produced by Linus Günther

Alphapanda statement: “The Alphapanda Market Breakout Award 2024 goes to a promising vision we cannot wait to cringe about. Humour, discomfort, obsession, revenge, and bourgeois paranoia are stretched to the limits, and we’re in for a bloody ride.”

Script Consultancy Residency at DreamAgo:

6 Mois 6 jours (6 Months 6 Days) by Michale Boganim, produced by Mathilde Leite and Dorothe Beinemeier

Pascale Rey and Tristan Albrecht statement: “This project is a strong story with great production potential. We are very happy to offer the writer a script doctoring by Sir Christopher Hampton, during Plume & Pellicule in June 2025.”

MIDPOINT Consulting Award:

In-depth online script consultancy with a MIDPOINT Institute expert

MIDPOINT statement: “We are excited to support a compelling and gripping story that uniquely blends themes and genres, set against the mysterious backdrop of the cosmopolitan city of Agadir. Hakim Mao convinced us with his strong artistic vision, and we are eager to help him bring it to life.”

Ticino Film Commission Residence Award:

A 2-day location scout (worth CHF 4,000) and Letter of Intent (LOI) for financial support (worth up to CHF 12,000)

Itaca (Ithaca) by Alessandro Grande, produced by Alessandro Amato and Luigi Chimienti

Jury statement: “The Ticino Film commission is proud to award its prize to the project Itaca, in which the landscapes play a fundamental role in expressing the violent rupture the young protagonist experiences – being kidnapped from his southern homeland and moved to a northern, mountainous region. We are confident that, with our support, the production will be able to find the perfect locations to recreate this touching real-life story and present it to a wider public.”

Heritage Restoration Contest:

I Cannibali (The Cannibals) (1970) by Liliana Cavani


Alliance 4 Development is made possible thanks to partnerships with CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée), France; FFA (Filmförderungsanstalt), Germany; DGCA-MiC (Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura), Italy; ÖFI (Österreichisches Filminstitut), Austria; the Federal Office of Culture (FOC) / MEDIA Desk Suisse, Switzerland. A4D also benefits from contributions by Eurimages, which sponsors one of the initiative’s networking events, and the European Producers Club, which offers consultancy on various issues.

Source: Locarno Pro