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Beloved Whale, Suspected Russian ‘Spy’, Shot Dead, Say Animal Rights Groups

A white beluga whale known as Hvaldimir, who had captured the hearts of many in Norway and was suspected of being utilized as a spy for Russia, was discovered dead in Norwegian waters over the weekend.

Veterinarians have concluded that the whale was shot. In the wake of this tragic event, animal rights organizations, OneWhale and NOAH, have lodged a police report with local authorities, as well as with Norway’s national authority on environmental crimes.

The report suggests the possibility of “intentional human-inflicted injury,” raising serious concerns about the nature of the incident.

“Upon seeing his body and the various injuries, I immediately recognized that he had been killed by gunshots,” stated Regina Haug, founder of OneWhale, a group that had worked to protect Hvaldimir. She further mentioned, “I even observed a bullet lodged in his body. There is no doubt this kind and gentle creature was senselessly murdered.”

Images provided by the animal rights groups to Business Insider indicated that the whale’s body bore signs of bullet wounds.

The deceased Hvaldimir was discovered by a teenage fisherman and his father near Risavika on Saturday morning.

At approximately 15 years old, Hvaldimir was still young, as beluga whales can live up to 60 years in the wild. His name cleverly combined the Norwegian term for “whale” with that of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This connection stemmed from the sighting in 2019 when he was spotted off Norway’s northern coast wearing a harness labeled “Equipment St. Petersburg” and equipped with a GoPro camera. This led to speculation that Hvaldimir was trained by the Russian military, which has been known to employ marine animals like dolphins and beluga whales for various military purposes.

Hvaldimir became something of a celebrity in Norway, with viral videos showcasing the whale’s remarkable abilities, such as returning lost items to their owners and playing with a rugby ball.

The whale’s death has occurred against the backdrop of heightened tensions between Russia and Norway, a proactive NATO member. Norway has been conducting extensive military drills and exercises in response to concerns regarding Russian aggression.

“The injuries on the whale are disturbing and of a nature that suggests a potential criminal act — it is shocking,” commented Siri Martinsen, a veterinarian and head of the animal rights group NOAH.

Martinsen emphasized the urgent need for police involvement, noting, “Given the suspicion of a criminal act, it is crucial that the police act swiftly. Hvaldimir was significant to many, and it is essential to uncover all the facts surrounding his death.”

In an interview with Business Insider, Martinsen specified that it remains unclear who may have shot Hvaldimir.

“No, we do not have any information regarding that; this is precisely why we are submitting a report at this early stage,” she remarked.

Prior to Hvaldimir’s untimely demise, Martinsen’s organization assessed the likelihood of Russia attempting to kill or capture the whale as “extremely low.”

Sebastian Strand, the founder of Marine Mind, an organization that cared for Hvaldimir, urged caution against making premature conclusions regarding the incident. He described the allegations as “speculation.”

Strand confirmed that while the images appear to show “presumed bullet wounds,” he advised against jumping to conclusions at this stage. He added, “We are still waiting for the findings from Norway’s veterinary institute.”

A representative from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute stated that they cannot release any findings regarding Hvaldimir as the autopsy is still ongoing. They confirmed that they are in contact with the police and the Directorate of Fisheries of Norway concerning the case and will include them if anything suspicious arises during the examination.

In this troubling situation, concerns for animal welfare intersect with broader geopolitical tensions, shedding light on the complexities surrounding both Hvaldimir’s life and death.

Source: Business Insider