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Ben Fogle Opens Up About ‘Crippling Paranoia and Anxiety’ During Breakdown

Ben Fogle has opened up about a significant mental health struggle he faced last year. The 50-year-old broadcaster, who has been candid about his experiences, shared that he used cognitive behavioural therapy and medication to recover from this challenging period. His mental health difficulties were partly caused by “burnout,” and Fogle has since simplified his life to regain his sense of tranquility and heal from what he described as a “storm” of “crippling paranoia and anxiety.”

On Instagram, Fogle addressed his followers, explaining, “I’m telling you this firstly because I believe as someone who shares my successes it’s important to also share our vulnerabilities. It is not to jump on some trend or for sympathy. It’s because if it happened to me, [it could] happen to you.” He pointed out that just as physical ailments like broken bones can heal, so too can struggles with mental health.

Fogle emphasized that mental health struggles do not define an individual or make them weak. Instead, they highlight our humanity and vulnerability to the pressures of modern life. He asserted that experiencing mental health trauma should not be stigmatized, but rather seen as a reality check in our increasingly complicated world.

“What’s helped me is doing less and simplifying my life. Less social media. Less work. Less pressure to be perfect,” Fogle shared. “The results are that I worry less: stress less, anger less, fixate less.” Simplifying his life has allowed him to get “back to reality” and rediscover his true self, he explained, signing off with “Love, peace, and simplicity.”

This revelation comes shortly after Ben’s wife, Marina, shared her own distressing experience of being wrongfully reported to social services. Marina recalled being notified by letter in 2013 that she had been accused of verbally abusing their children, Ludovic and Iona. Initially thinking the letter was a mistake, she soon found herself facing a visit from social services to discuss the matter.

Marina explained that the accusation was based on a supposed incident of shouting at her children, but it was soon clear there had been a misunderstanding. The alleged incident took place while the family was on holiday, a fact they verified with boarding passes. Despite providing evidence of their absence, Marina was still questioned further about her children’s home lives.

“My children spent 20 minutes showing off their Lego and toys, after which I was told that clearly there wasn’t an issue and she hoped that I understood why they’d needed to investigate,” she recounted. The experience left both Marina and Ben shocked, especially considering they were not a “shouty household.” Ben suspected it was a case of someone wanting to cause trouble.

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Source: The Times, Instagram