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Bernadette Peters Dismisses Kelly Ripa’s Makeup Tips, Calls Them Clownish

Kelly Ripa delighted her Instagram followers recently by sharing a playful lipstick trick through a mini tutorial video. Addressing rumors head-on, her caption humorously clarified, “No, I didn’t get lip fillers. This is the lip trick, you monsters.”

Actress Bernadette Peters decided to give Ripa’s makeup advice a whirl but ended up with a more humorous outcome. On a recent episode of Live With Kelly And Mark, Peters recounted her attempt. “I looked like a clown,” she admitted, narrating her comedic experience of trying to replicate the look.

Peters acknowledged that the hack looked fabulous on Ripa. However, after trying it herself, she felt like she resembled Marilyn Monroe during application—until she saw the finished product in the mirror and felt more like the joker.

Bernadette Peters' Attempt

Ripa openly admitted that even she doesn’t get it perfect every time, acknowledging that it’s a hit-or-miss technique. She credited young social media influencers as the source of her inspiration, but mentioned that their lip liner techniques are often more extreme than she prefers.

Fans, much like Peters, had mixed reactions to Ripa’s lipstick trick. Some found the technique impractical. “The way that I just watched this entire thing like I need to do this love a good tutorial even if it’s not applicable,” one follower noted. Another commented, “This is NOT a ready-to-wear daily tip or trick…she was merely shutting up the critics that accused her of getting fillers.”

Fan Reactions

While some fans were captivated by Ripa’s beauty or curious about the products she used, speculations regarding cosmetic surgery also surfaced in the comments. Nonetheless, Ripa received praise from many of her followers, including her daughter Lola, who complimented her as the world’s most beautiful woman.
