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Best 200 Songs of the ’70s

Focusing on a decade in which classic rock came into its own, the following list of the Top 200 ’70s Songs spans the gamut of cornerstone bands.

Some were on their way out. But former members of the Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel began crafting solo gems for the ages. The stalwart Rolling Stones, meanwhile, showed they weren’t going anywhere – fighting through addiction only to emerge right in the middle of the disco zeitgeist.

Bands like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Santana – all of whom began to pick up steam toward the end of the ’60s – could be found building the framework of their lasting legend in this new decade. But it wasn’t all familiar figures from classic rock’s initial era, either.

Next-gen keepers of the flame like Aerosmith, Kiss, Steely Dan, and Tom Petty expanded the music’s reach in distinct ways. Lynyrd Skynyrd and the Allman Brothers Band established a new Southern aesthetic, even as the Eagles and Fleetwood Mac came to symbolize the West Coast’s promise – and its risks. Then an exciting new edge crept into the music toward the end of the decade, personified by the likes of the Clash, the Police, the Ramones, and Sex Pistols. But which of their songs made the list? Find out below as the Top 200 ’70s Songs are presented in alphabetical order.

Looking back at the very best songs from the ’70s.

Gallery Credit: UCR Staff

Source: UCR