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Biden Claims He’d Attend Trump’s Inauguration but Critiques His Manners

President Joe Biden recently addressed Donald Trump’s behavior in a light-hearted manner, indicating he would attend the former president’s inauguration should Trump be re-elected in November.

While speaking on the South Lawn of the White House, just before leaving for New Orleans on Marine One, Biden was asked if he would witness Trump’s inauguration. His response, “I have good manners, not like him,” referenced Trump’s notable absence during Biden’s own inauguration on January 20, 2021.

Trump made headlines when he chose not to attend Biden’s inauguration, a longstanding tradition whereby the outgoing president acknowledges the incoming leader. The decision exacerbated tensions between the two, particularly as Trump spent weeks refusing to concede to Biden following the results of the 2020 presidential election.

During the aftermath of the election, Trump consistently denied the legitimacy of Biden’s victory. He propagated unfounded claims of election fraud and rallied his supporters with the baseless assertion that the election had been “stolen” from him.

On January 6, 2021, Trump held a “Stop the Steal” rally, urging a crowd of his supporters to march to the Capitol and “fight like hell” for the nation. This incitement led to a violent attack on the Capitol, as supporters stormed the building while Congress was in the process of certifying electoral results.

As Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, Trump departed on Marine One to return to his residence in Palm Beach, Florida. At that time, Biden had described Trump’s absence as “a good thing.”

In his recent comments, while seemingly ready to attend a Trump inauguration as a gesture of politeness, Biden firmly labeled Trump as a “genuine danger” to American security. This assertion comes amid a broader discussion about political rhetoric.

In light of recent events, including an assassination attempt against him by a 20-year-old gunman during a rally, Biden has advocated for a reduction in inflammatory political language surrounding figures like Trump. He emphasized the importance of lowering the political temperature in the country.

When pressed by a reporter about whether Trump’s status as a threat to American security conflicted with his call for decreased divisive rhetoric, Biden clarified, “That’s just a statement. That’s a factual statement.”

Clearly, Biden delivers this message from a place of concern over the current political climate, highlighting the need for civility, especially given the rising tensions in contemporary politics.

As the nation heads towards the 2024 election, Biden’s comments underscore the gravity of political relationship dynamics in America, especially concerning the former president.

With the potential for Trump’s return to the Oval Office, his past behaviors and their implications on national unity and security remain a focal point of public discussion. Biden’s willingness to attend a hypothetical Trump inauguration, despite their contentious history, reflects a commitment to tradition, even amidst ongoing political struggles.

Ultimately, the narrative surrounding Trump and Biden is emblematic of a divided political landscape, where history, personal conduct, and security concerns intertwine.

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