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Biden Frustrated by Pelosi’s Push to Remove Him from 2024 Ticket

Biden and Pelosi
President Joe Biden and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have a long-standing working relationship in Washington.

  • President Joe Biden is still coming to terms with his decision to step aside, sources reported.
  • He remains frustrated by Pelosi’s influence regarding the 2024 race.
  • Pelosi has downplayed her involvement, asserting that the decision was Biden’s alone.

Rumors are swirling that President Joe Biden is unhappy with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi due to her efforts to encourage him to withdraw from the Democratic ticket ahead of the 2024 election. Reports indicate that Biden sees Pelosi as a strategic player in the political landscape, whose tactics have included behind-the-scenes maneuvers impacting his decision.

Despite Pelosi’s claims that Biden’s choice to step aside was purely his own, her influence seems to be a point of contention for the president. Insiders reveal that Biden has labeled Pelosi as “ruthless,” suggesting that she is willing to prioritize party strategy over longstanding personal relationships to secure Democratic victories.

Biden is reportedly grappling with his decision to not seek a second term. Sources indicate that he is still coming to terms with the implications of stepping away as the presumptive nominee. Even as he expresses frustration towards Pelosi, he has acknowledged a grudging respect for her political acumen, telling associates that she “did what she had to do” to enhance the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

This situation unfolds against the backdrop of the Democratic National Convention, set to take place in Chicago next week. Biden is expected to publicly endorse Vice President Kamala Harris in her presidential campaign during the event.

Biden and Pelosi share a rich history spanning over three decades, both personally and politically. Pelosi highlighted their connection in a recent interview, emphasizing the affection her family has for Biden. She remarked, “In our family, we have three generations of love for Joe Biden,” and reminisced about their long-standing friendship, which includes cherished memories with their children and grandchildren.

Throughout their careers, Biden and Pelosi have collaborated on significant legislation, including the Violence Against Women Act and the Inflation Reduction Act. Their bond deepened during Biden’s vice presidency as he often consulted with Pelosi on critical issues, utilizing her extensive experience. Once Biden assumed the presidency, he and Pelosi continued their partnership, working on a bold agenda aimed at addressing pressing national challenges.

Historically, their relationship has showcased mutual respect and collaboration. Up until recently, Pelosi was viewed as one of Biden’s staunchest supporters, playing a pivotal role in advancing his initiatives through the House of Representatives.

Yet, the dynamics between them appear to have shifted as they navigate the complexities of the upcoming election cycle. As they approach the Democratic National Convention, Biden’s ongoing struggle to accept the political landscape and his decision to step aside may cast a shadow over their longstanding alliance.

The next few weeks will be critical for both Biden and Pelosi as they maneuver through this transitional period within the party, with 2024 looming large on the horizon. The significance of their partnership, once characterized by unity in legislative goals, now raises questions about strategic alliances in the face of electoral realities.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Biden and Pelosi’s connection will undoubtedly be closely scrutinized, particularly as they both aim to position the Democratic Party for a successful run in the upcoming election.

Source: Politico