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Biden Frustrated Obama Didn’t Voice 2024 Race Concerns After Debate
President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama have a close but complicated relationship.

  • Biden wishes Obama had personally shared his fears about the state of the race, sources said.
  • Several Biden confidants were disappointed that Obama was quiet when some called for the president to step aside.
  • The two men have a close but complicated relationship.

President Joe Biden has come to terms with the reality that he may not be pursuing reelection, yet there is frustration stemming from former President Barack Obama’s failure to communicate his concerns about the upcoming 2024 race directly to him, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Reports indicate that after a particularly challenging debate in June, which has been seen as a pivotal moment for Biden’s reelection chances, the incumbent president felt disappointed that Obama, his former mentor, did not personally express his worries regarding the campaign. This lack of communication has only served to complicate the already intricate relationship between the two leaders.

In the immediate aftermath of Biden’s unsatisfactory debate performance, Obama attempted to provide support by recalling his own struggles during debates, specifically referencing his 2012 experience. He publicly asserted that Biden remained a viable candidate against Donald Trump.

However, shortly thereafter, Obama’s silence became more pronounced. While he did not actively endorse calls for Biden to step aside, he also refrained from attempting to silence those dissenting voices within the party, which seemed to contribute to a sense of discontent among Biden’s closest advisors.

Sources revealed that within Biden’s tight-knit circle, there was palpable disappointment regarding Obama’s lack of vocal support. Privately, Obama expressed his concerns about Biden’s reelection prospects and even discussed these worries with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, further complicating matters as she had also faced criticism from Biden over her previous attempts to influence the president’s decision-making behind the scenes.

This disappointment adds to the long-standing tensions in their relationship. For years, Biden has believed that some of Obama’s confidants harbor a degree of disdain toward him. This sentiment may partially stem from events in 2016 when Biden perceived that Obama was inclined to support Hillary Clinton over him for the presidency, an incident that still lingers in their dynamic today.

Looking ahead, the atmosphere at this year’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago is expected to be markedly different. Biden will take the stage with an intent to present a strong endorsement for his vice president, Kamala Harris, establishing a unified front in a shifting political landscape.

The complexity of Biden and Obama’s relationship encapsulates the broader dynamics at play within the Democratic Party as it prepares for the upcoming election cycle. Tensions, disappointment, and alliances continue to shape the narrative surrounding Biden’s campaign amidst the evolving political landscape.

As the two men move forward, the need for clear communication and mutual support will be essential in navigating the challenges that lie ahead for them and the Democratic Party as a whole.

Source: Politico