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Biden Signs Executive Order on Pro-Union Labor Standards in Michigan

On September 6, President Joe Biden took significant steps to support the labor movement by signing a groundbreaking executive order aimed at enhancing opportunities for workers to join unions. The signing took place during his visit to Ann Arbor, Michigan, a critical battleground state for upcoming elections.

At the United Association Local 190 Training Center, Biden expressed strong support for organized labor while criticizing former President Donald Trump’s reputation for union opposition. He was accompanied by acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, along with several Michigan Democrats, including Senator Debbie Stabenow and Representative Debbie Dingell. Local union leaders, representing organizations such as the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the United Steelworkers, were also present to witness this pivotal moment.

The newly signed Good Jobs Executive Order directs federal agencies to follow a precise list of labor standards when distributing funds for government projects. Among these standards is a preference for initiatives that use pro-worker agreements, including Project Labor Agreements and Community Benefits Agreements, as well as practices that promote voluntary union recognition and a neutral stance on union organizing.

Moreover, the order encourages federal agencies to favor projects that adhere to prevailing wage standards and equitable compensation practices, ensuring fairness in pay and increasing pay transparency. This initiative reflects Biden’s commitment to reinforcing the rights and welfare of workers nationwide.

Biden emphasized the role of union labor in establishing the middle class. In his remarks, he stated, “We put workers first. We invest in all of America. Everybody in America deserves one thing — a fighting chance.” He expressed pride in the record job creation during his presidency, which he described as the best any president has achieved in a single term.

His signing of the order came shortly after the Labor Department reported a payroll employment increase of 142,000 in August. The construction sector saw a boost of 34,000 jobs while healthcare gained 31,000 positions, highlighting economic growth trends.

As Vice President Kamala Harris ramps up her focus on critical electoral states with substantial unionized worker populations, Biden aimed to create a stark contrast between the Democratic platform and that of the GOP ticket, which includes Trump and Senator JD Vance of Ohio. “When Trump was president, he appointed union busters to the National Labor Relations Board,” Biden remarked, indicating the negative impact of such appointments on worker rights and union activities.

He continued by drawing a comparison between his administration’s efforts to support workers and those of Trump, asserting, “My predecessor believes America is a failing nation. He is a failing president and a failing man. He is wrong, America is not failing; we are winning.” This statement illustrated Biden’s confidence in the recovery and growth trajectory of the American workforce under his leadership.

By signing the “Good Jobs EO,” Biden highlighted its provisions that boost worker economic security. The executive order directs federal agencies to prioritize projects that offer essential benefits to workers, such as child and dependent care, health insurance, paid leave, and retirement benefits. This comprehensive support aims to enhance the quality of life for American workers.

In addition, the order promotes workforce development initiatives through registered apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and labor-management partnerships, collaborating with training organizations like community colleges and public workforce boards, including the American Climate Corps.

This event in Michigan is part of a broader tour to showcase workers and communities benefiting from the Biden-Harris Administration’s “Investing in America” agenda. Biden’s appearance underscored his longstanding commitment to the labor movement, recalling his previous support for UAW workers during their strikes in the Detroit area last year.

Meanwhile, Harris has also committed to championing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which aims to enhance workers’ rights to join unions freely. This legislation passed the Democrat-controlled House in 2021, although it faced significant opposition from Republicans.

The PRO Act represents substantial reforms intended to bolster labor rights and is seen as a crucial measure for advancing the pro-union agenda that Biden and Harris are working to promote. Overall, Friday’s actions emphasize the administration’s dedication to strengthening labor rights and addressing economic inequality across the nation.

Source: UPI