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Big Brother 26 Spoilers: Kenney Wins Veto; Tucker Offers to be Replacement Nom

Chelsie nominated Lisa, Angela and Kenney as planned on “Big Brother 26,” but for the second week in a row, one of the nominees won the Veto.

Kenney, whose head is seemingly back in the game without Matt around, won the Veto on Saturday. He will obviously take himself off the block on Monday. Tucker, a professional hater, despises Lisa so much that he has volunteered to go up as the renom to ensure that she goes home. He wants this to happen so badly that he’s even told Angela he’ll throw the AI Arena to her so he’ll be sitting next Lisa and everyone can vote her out. That probably would happen, but it’d be such a gag if Tucker wound up going home. This man probably cares more about sending Lisa home than winning “Big Brother.”

Angela has tried her hardest to appear cool and chill, and you can tell it’s taking her all her might. But she got into it a few times with people. Perhaps more than a few, but feeds were down frequently. She confronted Quinn to ask why he told T’Kor that she had ID’d the alliance of T’Kor, Cedric, Cam and Chelsie. Quinn denied, but feeds went down, so who knows how that ended. Quinn, who’s part of a lot of alliances, real and fake, has committed his allegiance to T’Kor and Kimo, telling them about the Pentagon, which consists of him, Cam, Cedric, Chelsie and Brooklyn.

Angela then got into a fight with Chelsie, which was off feeds, and it was apparently bad enough that Chelsie is willing to send her home instead of Lisa, but she’ll leave it to the house. Well, yeah, they’re the ones voting. So expect her to renom Tucker and for more haterade to come from the next three days.

Source: Gold Derby