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‘Big Brother’ Fans Are Eager for Kenney Kelly to Leave

Big Brother fans are eager for Kenney Kelly to leave the house. This sentiment has grown since Matt Hardeman’s elimination. The dynamics in the house have been turbulent, especially with Angela stirring up a lot of drama. However, Kenney is not a favorite among viewers, and his potential departure seems to be eagerly anticipated by many. Keep reading to find out more.

Kenney was noticeably upset when Matt left. Matt was his closest ally, and Kenney is feeling lost without him. He expressed his feelings about Matt’s eviction:

“He’s my boy… he’s number one. I’m a competitive person, but the emotions of being against Matt make it kind of difficult. I really thought I was a person who could keep those emotions in check. Unfortunately, I’m learning something new about myself—failing and guilt and stuff—so that’s the kind of dilemma I’m in right now.”

Fans were also saddened by Matt’s exit, but ultimately, that’s how the house voted.

Fans are now vocal about wanting Kenney Kelly to be evicted. They do not want him to remain in the house any longer. They took to social media to express their feelings:

  • “Is Kenney saying he was ‘at a pretty low point’ all we’re going to get of all his complaining that he wanted to go home?”
  • “Me when Kenney finally gets his bald ass out of the house.”
  • “Kenney… you don’t have to wait, take the door. Get out. Sick of him. You took the opportunity from someone else, we get you don’t want to be there… go home.”
  • “Kenny not wanting to play is such a slap in the face to everyone who submitted casting videos. Get him outta there.”
  • “If he self-evicts, it must mean that he forfeits the pay for the weeks they’re in the house… cause why not just quit Kenny.”

Viewers will not be sad to see him go.

Big Brother Logo - X

It seems fans are particularly frustrated by Kenney’s talk about self-eliminating. They believe he has taken a spot from someone who genuinely wanted to be there. These feelings heightened after Matt was evicted, as Kenney even mentioned that he preferred to go home over Matt. His surprising statements have not resonated well with the audience. What do you think about Kenney? Do you want him to stay in the house, or are you ready for him to leave? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: TVShowsAce