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‘Big Brother’ Host Julie Chen Moonves Addresses Angela the House Bully

Each week, the host of Big Brother, Julie Chen Moonves, shares her reactions to the house’s eviction and the ongoing dynamics among the houseguests. This week’s elimination left both fans and at least one houseguest shocked. Julie provided her thoughts on this unexpected turn of events.

On Thursday, Lisa Weintraub was evicted from the Big Brother house. Lisa believed she was part of a plan to eliminate Angela Murray, but the other houseguests had been plotting against Lisa all along.

This twist was especially surprising to fans because Angela had been branded as one of the house bullies. During the 24/7 live feeds, she was seen mocking Lisa. Before targeting Lisa, Angela had also bullied Matt Hardeman, who also faced eviction earlier in the game.

In the aftermath of Lisa’s elimination, Julie Chen Moonves discussed the shocking decision with Entertainment Weekly.

YouTube/Big Brother

Many expected Angela to be the one evicted, considering her past behavior in the house. Julie explained the rationale behind the decision to evict Lisa instead of Angela. “Bottom line is the house felt Lisa was a tougher competitor to beat, so they had to evict her over Angela,” Julie told Entertainment Weekly.

Julie also commented on Lisa’s visible shock at her eviction. “I watched her visibly thinking to herself: How could this be?” the Big Brother host said. “And her facial expressions showed me she was piecing things together in complete astonishment.”

Before their conversation, Julie noted that Lisa seemed to be replaying all the conversations she had within the house. “It was tough to watch, and my heart felt for her,” Julie said.

Angela Murray - YouTube/Big Brother (3)
YouTube/Big Brother

Regarding Angela’s behavior, Julie noted that it stemmed from her own personal struggles. “Hurt people, hurt people,” Julie said of Angela. She also recalled seeing Angela get emotional in the Diary Room, discussing her challenges fitting in during her elementary school days. While this doesn’t excuse Angela’s actions, it provides some context for her behavior.

Julie also weighed in on the houseguests’ strategy—or lack thereof. Ideally, those who don’t win in the BB AI Arena would use their time to forge alliances and strategize. When asked why this isn’t happening, Julie admitted, “Honey, I wish I knew!”

Julie pointed out that Angela assumed she’d be kicked off this week, while Lisa felt safe. As a result, neither felt compelled to campaign for survival. However, this dynamic might change in the weeks to come.

Big Brother airs on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS. The reality TV show also airs on Sundays at 9 p.m. EST.

Source: TV Shows Ace, Entertainment Weekly