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Bill O’Reilly and Jon Stewart Trade Insults in First Daily Show Since 2014

Daily Show host Jon Stewart and former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly traded barbs on Tuesday during O’Reilly’s first appearance on The Daily Show since 2014.

Reacting to the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump on Saturday, O’Reilly told Stewart, “We’re now in a society where hatred is rewarded.”

He continued, “The hate brigade is now pulling back a little bit because they have to, but they’re gonna be back in two weeks because they get paid to do this. They’re so untalented.”

As Stewart attempted to respond, O’Reilly silenced him and said, “I wanna make this point because Stewart and I have a history, alright? We go back. But if you watch, if you Google Stewart and I, we are able to disagree without hating each other. Now, I truly hate him, but I don’t show it.”

He argued:

But now, that’s not rewarded. That kind of detente where two people look at life differently isn’t rewarded. The haters get the big money, and so that’s what you have, and I think all Americans have got to hold the corporations accountable. You can’t do anything about the guys in the basement that are chucking this stuff out that you just had it on, these conspiratorial nuts, you can’t do anything about that. But you can say to corporations, “You better knock this stuff off. You better stop calling people racists and Nazis and this and that.” Now your question, and thank you for letting me take over your show…

“Did I have a question? I don’t remember,” mocked Stewart. “While you were talking, I was watching a different program. I’m watching South Park re-runs right now.”

The Daily Show host then said, “But Bill, let me push back a bit. You and I are both somewhat fossilized practitioners of the rhetorical arts that are confrontational at times, provocative at times, and we made a really spectacular living pushing those envelopes. It seems now to say, ‘Hey, these other people should stop,’ it’s like…”

After O’Reilly remarked, “I like coming on here in front of all of your friends out here, and the audience should know I have no friends here, okay?” Stewart mocked, “Well, not just here.”

At one point during the show, as the two men argued about President Joe Biden, O’Reilly declared, “I’m gonna ruin your day, Stewart!” before pulling out a sheet of statistics about the economy being worse under Biden than Trump.

“My job as a journalist is to say…” remarked O’Reilly, before Stewart interrupted, “Oh, when did you get that job?” as the audience burst into laughter.

Stewart concluded, “You really make it too easy.”

Watch above via The Daily Show.

Source: Mediaite