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Blac Youngsta’s Gun Case in Dallas Dismissed


Blac Youngsta is now free from a legal issue that had been troubling him for years. A judge in Dallas has dismissed his gun case.

The rapper was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon. This charge was due to a 2020 arrest, but according to documents obtained by TMZ, the case was dismissed this week.

Blac Youngsta’s lawyer, Carl Moore, shared that his client is relieved to have this case behind him after nearly four years. Moore expressed that the District Attorney’s Office made the right decision by dropping the charge, allowing justice to prevail.

During the incident in question, Youngsta was arrested in October 2020 during a routine traffic stop. He was a passenger in the car, and officers reported finding a handgun tucked between his legs.

TMZ obtained video footage showing Blac interacting with the police during the arrest. In the video, he converses amiably with the officers, even inquiring about the cost of the van that transported him.

This arrest in 2020 marked Youngsta’s second gun-related arrest within two years. In September 2019, he was detained after police said he claimed ownership of a bag containing two semi-automatic pistols found in his car, along with prohibited ammunition.

The District Attorney’s Office has not yet commented further on the case.

Source: TMZ, Instagram