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Black Veil Brides Singer Defends Touring with Falling in Reverse

Black Veil Brides frontman Andy Biersack has offered deeper insight into his enduring friendship with tourmate Ronnie Radke of Falling in Reverse, addressing backlash from some fans over Radke’s controversial opinions shared on social media.

Shortly after their recent tour leg began, Biersack took to the X social media platform to address the backlash. He acknowledged the kindness Radke has shown his band over the years and advised fans who felt uncomfortable to skip the shows. He also suggested that using the tour to take a moral stance was a narrow-minded perspective.

Following this, Radke responded online to comments criticizing Biersack for allegedly ignoring Radke’s contentious views. Radke defended himself, stating, “I’ve done more for the LGBTQ [community] than any of these little fucking twerps have ever done. In my 20 year career, I’ve done way more for them than you will ever do.”

In a recent interview with Rock Feed, Biersack elaborated on his friendship with Radke, the implications of touring with him, and why Radke’s views aren’t the deciding factor for their touring partnership.

Biersack acknowledged that his initial comments might have been misinterpreted due to preconceived notions about Radke. However, the interview allowed him to present his reasoning more comprehensively.

“There is a lot of conversation about the characteristics of a person’s intent when they say things. There is validity to those because who you are is essentially the brand you present, and that is true,” Biersack began. “But, I’ve always viewed Ronnie through the prism of undeniable charisma and rock star qualities. Have we always seen eye to eye? Absolutely not. Even on tour, we sometimes disagreed.”

He added, “Despite our disagreements, he has always shown good intentions and a good heart. We may not share the same beliefs, but that doesn’t matter. Respecting or working with someone doesn’t require you to share their value system or beliefs to recognize their talent or worth.”

Biersack then touched on how public figures are often not afforded the same opportunity to find common ground despite disagreements, unlike private citizens.

“That nuance is lost culturally. If you work at a retail store with others who have opposing political views, do you fight with them all day or find common ground to get through the day? That understanding is extended to everyone but those in the public eye,” he explained. “I’m not saying cry for us because we’re famous. But I do think there’s a lack of nuance in seeing people as net good without every opinion aligning with yours.”

He continued, “Much is made about people’s intent from those who don’t know them. Ronnie and I have always had a positive relationship. Even if he’s not the closest person in my life, I’ve never felt disrespected or unkindness from him. I wouldn’t tour with someone if I thought their heart was not good.”

“Many people in my life say things that I disagree with. Finding joy means not wasting time litigating the validity of those who’ve shown kindness to me. That seems like bullshit and a waste of time,” Biersack declared.

In the Rock Feed interview, Biersack also shared how he first met Radke before forming Black Veil Brides and described the evolution of their friendship over the years. More details from the chat are available below. You can also see all tour dates and get tickets for the run through the Black Veil Brides website.

Black Veil Brides’ Andy Biersack Chats With Rock Feed

Source: Loudwire, Rock Feed