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Bounty Hunter Couple Crucial to Locating Body in Kentucky Shooting

In the wake of a terrifying shooting incident on Interstate 75 in Kentucky, community members Fred and Sheila McCoy embarked on a mission to search for the suspect who had gone missing after allegedly injuring five people. After days of vigorous searching through rugged terrain, the couple made a grim discovery: a body believed to be that of the shooter, Joseph Couch.

Couch, 32, is suspected of randomly firing shots at passing vehicles on September 7. Authorities revealed that he had sent a text message before the incident, stating, “I’m going to kill a lot of people. Well, try at least.” Fortunately, all five victims sustained injuries but were expected to survive.

Kentucky’s Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. William Ralston, stated that the body found is believed to be Couch’s; preliminary autopsy results indicated death by a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. Police also reported that a firearm was recovered at the scene. Identification through a soft tissue DNA test was inconclusive, and more intensive analysis of the bones will take several days, along with pending toxicology results.

Following the incident, teams from local, state, and federal law enforcement scoured tens of thousands of acres in search of the suspect. Authorities advised residents to stay vigilant, leading to several school districts temporarily shifting to virtual learning. Laurel County Public Schools switched to online classes for three days before resuming in-person instruction.

“For one week, we turned into bounty hunters,” Fred McCoy recounted. “The more we watched the news and saw lockdowns and school closings, the more compelled we felt to take part in the search.” Their determination paid off when they discovered Couch’s remains, providing a sense of relief to the frightened community of London, located just miles from where the shooting occurred.

In recognition of their efforts, the McCoys will receive a $25,000 reward for the discovery. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear stated that once the identification is confirmed, it will help the community transition out of a period marked by fear and uncertainty.

In a recent YouTube livestream on their channel, the McCoys documented their search efforts. During the stream, the couple encountered curious vultures circling overhead and noticed a foul scent in the air. Sheila remarked about the unpleasant odor while cautioning her husband about potential snakes in the area.

As they progressed through the dense woods, they eventually stumbled upon the remains. In the video, Sheila exclaimed, “Hey guys, you won’t believe it, we found him, oh my goodness gracious.” Earlier in their search, they had alerted police and had been streaming on YouTube for safety’s sake, ensuring that they had a record of their location in case anything went awry.

Though the McCoys live a couple of counties away, they felt compelled to help, despite their physical challenges—Sheila recovering from back surgery and Fred from knee surgery. Married for 39 years, the couple has been a part of local folklore as descendants of the historic Hatfield-McCoy feud.

According to Fred, the remains were located approximately a mile from where Couch had unleashed his gunfire, close to his vehicle which had also been found by police. The community, understandably tense for over a week, felt a wave of relief wash over them with the discovery of the body.

Heather Blankenship, a mother of three living in the vicinity, expressed her sense of relief upon hearing the news. She noted that even though her anxiety had dissipated, she felt sorrow for the family of the deceased suspect. “I’m relieved that to me, this monster is dead,” she said, reflecting on the conflicting emotions surrounding the tragedy.

Authorities revealed that Couch fired between 20 to 30 rounds during the shooting spree, leading to scenes of chaos on the interstate. Aside from the five injured victims, some suffered significant injuries. Investigations revealed that Couch had purchased the AR-15 used in the assault, along with approximately 1,000 rounds of ammunition, just hours before the shooting ordeal.

Laurel County Judge-Executive David Westerfield noted the shared sense of relief among residents as they returned to their daily lives, stating, “They feel like they can go back to their normal lifestyle.” The community, once on edge, now looks forward to reclaiming their peace.

Source: CBS News