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Brandi Glanville Blames Bravo for Disfigured Face

Brandi Glanville asserts that Bravo is responsible for her disfigured face due to long-standing health problems exacerbated by her treatment from the network.

After being accused of sexually assaulting Caroline Manzo, Glanville’s life underwent significant upheaval. Both Glanville and Manzo, from RHONJ, were part of the RHUGT Morocco cast. One night, Glanville allegedly inappropriately touched and kissed Manzo, which was reportedly not stopped by the production team. This incident led to a complete turnaround in Glanville’s reputation and an investigation into the events that transpired. Manzo proceeded to file a lawsuit against Bravo and its production affiliates but did not sue Glanville personally.

Brandi Glanville-YouTube
Brandi Glanville-YouTube

The affected RHUGT season has been shelved, but Glanville believes it should air, allowing viewers to form their own opinions and vindicating her in the process. Her co-stars have shown their support, but the ordeal has taken a toll on Glanville’s health and income. Her face has visibly changed, making her almost unrecognizable. According to Page Six, her health issues began in October 2023, ten months post filming in Morocco. Her symptoms included facial and eye swelling, which led to her collapsing and being hospitalized.

Brandi Glanville-Twitter
Brandi Glanville-Twitter

An insider mentioned, “She hasn’t been able to work since the false claims were brought against her and now it’s taking a toll on her physically.” Glanville has seen seven doctors, and the consensus was that her condition was due to stress-induced angioedema.

The reaction from Glanville’s followers about her condition was mixed. Some believed it was entirely stress-related due to Bravo, while others thought it might also be due to cosmetic procedures she underwent:

  • “Ok I get stress can have a lot negative effects physically but isn’t a big part of this all the work you got done?”
  • “I’m sorry baby. Praying you get peace soon and are vindicated. Stay strong.”
  • “Your horrible actions created your demise. Stop blaming Bravo.”
  • “That’s what happens when you do too much in your face babe, you were so beautiful before you got all that stuff in your face, those are your consequences now.”

Regardless of differing opinions, it’s evident that Glanville is suffering and seeking relief. She hopes to find a resolution and alleviate her pain soon. What do you think? Is her condition purely stress-induced, or could there be more to it?

Source: Page Six, Twitter